Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #48)
caekdaemon (3 - 1 = 2)
You thank the man before going for the dummy.
"Much appreciated my friend. I can enhance your equipment in your shop with one of my abilities after I'm done training."By his confused face, you get the feeling he hasn't the slightest idea what you mean by you "ability." Whatever.
You walk into the room with the dummy. Wow. He was right. This thing is pretty decrepit. It's a wooden human-body shaped mannequin attached to a heavy metal base by a very large spring... and it looks like it's been gathering dust for the last 20 years. Ah, well. It'll do.
You take a few experimental swings at it with your warhammer. You miss. Once. Twice. Three times. You begin to get very annoyed at this dummy.
You aim one more strike with your hammer. And you miss.
You feel like screaming with rage.
(The items that are enhanced by the ability should now have the word "enhanced" before them.)Tokochiro (1)
You try and find some wooded area where you can concentrate, but the town seems to turn into a maze before your eyes, and you have no idea how to get out.
CaveCricket (6)
You keep looking around for shops that appear to be the correct type.
You can't really find the perfect one, but you narrow it down to three.
It's either "Artifacts of the Ages", "Ancients", or " UnRuined."
What the heck is with these names?
Adam (8)
"Uh... I have this mechanical squirrel. Have anything that i could feed it to make it recharge faster?"The clerk's eyes go wide.
"Mechanical squirrel?"He takes a look at the thing clinging to your shoulder.
"Eh... I don't know if this kind of thing eats... or what it runs off of."He rummages about the shop, then comes back looking disappointed.
"I'm sorry, but I can't help you. I only specialize in living things."Torrent (2)
You try to find one of your informers in the town, but sadly, you're not up to date on who's who. You can't spot any people you recognize.
Ociamarru (12 - 4 = 8)
You look around for a source of water.
And fortunately, you find a small pond after a bit of searching. It seems to be in a secluded area, so the sound of people arguing with one another is slightly dulled.
You cool off in the water, and splash some over your eyes. You feel a lot better.
Gabriel has disappeared - probably into one of the many shops.
SIR (Summary In Rhyme?) (I guess I've come up with a clever acronym for it now.)
caekdaemon likes to hit things,
Toko cannot concentrate,
CaveCricket thinks that it's one of those shops,
Adam's pet still has to recharge a lot.
Torrent can't find a person he knows
To tell him stuff about Glyphs.
Ociamarru found a water hole,
And finally stopped having a fit.