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 Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Writeup 7) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 149)
"That was easier than I expected. Shall we move on?"


Sun Jan 06, 2013 3:49 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 149)
>Charge up Firebrand and swing it at a wall far away from any of my allies.

Sun Jan 06, 2013 6:10 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 149)
>Add more fire on to Gustaf's sword.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:33 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
Roll 150

[ 1 ] = 1
> You're about to add more fire to Gustaf's sword, but he whips out a disk of fire before you're able to help him. Not that he needed your help.

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
-- Bending (Air)
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Most of this stuff is inferior to what I already have in one way or another..."

You drop the two books you've been carrying all this time and check out the mage stones. They only have a little energy in them, which you transfer into Andrew's mage stone.

Going to the cloaks, you find a nice blue one and put it on, and then head to the staves to see what they do.

There are only two of them. One of them is a wooden rod made of three twisting lengths of wood, resembling a large plant root. The bottom of the staff tapers off and ends in a blunt metal cap, while the top holds a red gemstone. The other staff is a tan rod, with the length of it covered in runes and a circular disk at the top. At the edge of the face of the disk is a simple black circle, which looks like it was painted on. The bottom of the rod has a small red orb.

For some reason, the second staff seems... Familiar.

Race: Human
Inventory (5/10) :

- Whirlwind
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: =====-----)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)
- Blue Mage Cloak

Memory :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
--- Ice Claws
-- Bending (Air, Water, Earth)
-- Kinetic (Impulse)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Moderate Bruising (-4 Physical actions)
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 3 + 3 ] = 6
> You take a few steps away from Cihas and the Black Dragon and face an empty wall. Charging up Firebrand, it feels much more powerful than before. The flames engulfing the blade dancing wildly in every direction, even touching you, but causing no pain.

Swinging your weapon at the wall, the flames fly off and spins into a disk. Upon contact with the wall, the flaming disk flares into a fiery explosion, creating a heat wave that you can feel from where you're standing.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Firebrand★
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Fire Charge (Firebrand★): Charge up Firebrand to enhance fire attacks with the weapon by 3. (3 turn recharge)
-- Recharge (---)
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 5 ] = 5
> "How are you feeling right now, 'cupe?"

Aucupe: "A few cuts and bruises, and a bit weird, too."

She lifts her wings, and you see that her feathers have taken on a new appearance, becoming more like large scales. On several spots on her body, feathers are missing, revealing spots of dried blood.

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Longsword
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins
- Wet Noodles(?)
- Paper Runes
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 1)

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
-- Kinetic (Impulse)
--- Power Flow
-- Instinctual
--- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :
- Cut Left Foot (-2 Left Foot actions)

Kyros Deiimor
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Could someone explain this conflict to me? I've probably mentioned the fact that I don't remember a whole lot - well, truthfully, I remember almost nothing - since I woke up and flew over here. Where are these corrupted coming from, and what do we know about them?"

Koa: "Well, first off, you need to understand how magic works. You see, magic energy is composed of two aspects, light and dark, which usually exist in multiple states of equilibrium. There's dead equilibrium, where the magic is inert and does nothing. Then there's the basic charged state, which is referred to as 'battery' by some, where the energy is charged in a manner that allows the light and dark aspects to be seperated, effecting the environment around it in some way, which is what causes magic to do things. Oscillating equilibrium is why corruption, or chaos, exists. Like the battery state, the magic is charged, but the light and dark aspects shift in place, pushing away from each other and then pulled back together by the force that holds them together. This creates a 'vibration' in the energy, which spreads to magic energy around it and dissipates over time. Think of it like dropping a pebble into a pond, creating ripples that spread in all directions and weaken with distance. This effect is corruption, since it spreads and interferes with anything that has magic energy. Normally, corruption occurs only on an extremely small scale, and requires an immense amount of energy to pull off. If I were to attempt such a feat by myself, the effects of corruption would kill me before it can actually reach any state of danger to others."

Hakua: "As for these, 'corrupted,'"

Ettiin looks at her clawed limbs as if she were being accused of something.

Hakua: "They are the victims of exposure to a mass corruption event. The effect is spread through anything that carries charged magic, so while it cannot travel through ordinary air or earth, it can jump to and from living things like a plague. Most will die, while others go insane or become mutated, or both. We're not exactly sure what caused this event to happen, and only one other mass corruption has been recorded in history, which occurred several thousand years ago."

Race: Chirop
Inventory (2/10) :
- Longsword
- Shortsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic (Impulse)
--- Power Flow
-- Electric (Lightning)

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+2 Magic Potency)

Conditions :

[ 4 ] = 4
> "That was easier than I expected. Shall we move on?"

Feiar: "Mmm. How do we get up there?"

You reload your crossbow and look up at the metal grate, sunlight streaming past the metal bars. It's about 20 feet above the ground.

Race: Human
Inventory (3/10) :
- Crossbow (LOADED)
- Crossbow Bolts (Qty. 47)
- Marauder's Mage Stone

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Marksman (+1 to rolls involving the use of ranged weaponry)

Conditions :
- Feiar sitting on shoulders


[ 5 ] = 5
> ~

Race: ???
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 2 ] = 2
> ~

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :

Koa Tsinthula

[ 4 ] = 4
> ~

Inventory (?/?) :
- Marauder Greatsword

Equipped (4/10) :
- Dualumn Helm
- Dualumn Robes
- Steel Cuirass
- Steel Greaves

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Electric (Pathic)
-- Light (Illumination, Minute Control)
-- Dark (Darkening, Minute Control)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Hakua Hiinathi

[ 6 ] = 6
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Raptor Dagger

Equipped (2/10) :
- Raptor Goggles
- Raptor Jacket

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Electric (Lightning)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :


[ 4 ] = 4
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Twisted Ankle
- Sitting on Isaac's Shoulders


[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :
- Marauder Helmet
- Marauder Cuirass
- Marauder Armguards x2
- Marauder Greaves/Boots x2

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Mon Jan 07, 2013 12:23 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
"To think I came so close to becoming corrupted myself."
> Shake my head to clear my thoughts.
"Has anyone found the source of the mass corruption yet? No, wait, does it matter...? Even if the source were found, those who became corrupt would have to be purified... or killed, to stop the spread completely.
... I guess all we can do for now is survive... and fight to end it."

> Look to the east.
"Should we head for Luttiim, then?"

Last edited by Nighthawk on Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Mon Jan 07, 2013 3:45 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
"I'm not sure. Let's look around. We'll be sure to find some way out of here."

Search for an exit.

Tue Jan 08, 2013 4:43 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
> Read runes on 2nd staff, discern what it does.

Tue Jan 08, 2013 6:34 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
"Well let's see if we can't find us some attention."
> Explore the area.

Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:44 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
"Where to now? It seems like there's tons of heavily corrupted people in this area, so it's probably best that we stay together."

Wed Jan 09, 2013 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 150)
Just reread a lot of the previous rolls and realized how much of a dumbshit I was being the whole time. I kept thinking being able to use magic meant I could do just about ANYTHING, and as a result, I spent a whole lot of turns getting absolutely nothing done. -_-

It's embarrassing that I was such an idiot not so long ago. Then again, maybe I still am, or maybe I'll look back on these posts a few months in the future and think I was an even bigger idiot.

Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:38 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 151)
Roll 151

[ 4 ] = 4
> You stand idle while everyone else exits the building.

Race: Human
Inventory (10/10) :
- Luminous Bow
- Bow
- Quiver (35/50 Arrows)
-- Arrows (Qty. 36)
- 142 gold coins
- Cooked Venison (Qty. 1)
- Deer Pelt
- Quartz
-- (Energy: ===)
- Grass Blades (Qty. 50)
- Cloth Bag (10/10)
-- Caelum Mage stone (Qty. 5)
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll
-- ??? Scroll

Equipped (10/10) :
- Moonlight Armor (Helm, Cuirass, Armguards x2, Gauntlets x2, Leggings x2, Greaves x2)

Active Abilities :
- Arrow Abilities (Requires a bow and arrows)
-- Fire Arrows
-- Cold Front
-- Tornado Shot
-- Trail Blazer
- Magic Control Level - Instinctual
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
-- Bending (Air)
-- Accelerated Repair

Passive Abilities :
- Stealth (+1 any action involving sneaking)
- Bull's Eye (+2 to precision actions)

Conditions :

John Freemaneth
[ 1 ] = 1
> Reading the runes on the second staff, it seems to be a little more complex than what you know, but the gist of it seems to be a thought-controlled projection tool or something. You then find that a single line of characters aren't actually runes, but letters: "Rune-Paint Staff"

Race: Human
Inventory (5/10) :

- Whirlwind
- Leather Pouch
-- 1500 gold coins
- Calligraphy Kit
- Paper Runes
-- Shield Tag (Qty. 6)
-- Earth Elemental Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Push Tag (Qty. 6)
- Crossbow Bolt (Qty. 15)

Equipped (4/10) :
- Andrew's Mage Stone
-- (Energy: =====-----)
- Quality Chainmail
- Quality Gauntlets (Qty. 2)
- Blue Mage Cloak

Memory :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic, Runic
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
--- Ice Claws
-- Bending (Air, Water, Earth)
-- Kinetic (Impulse)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Moderate Bruising (-4 Physical actions)
- Whirlwind Armor (+2 Physical Actions)

Gustaf Anorak
[ 5 ] = 5
> You walk up to Kyros, Hakua, Koa, and Ettiin.

Kyros: "Should we head for Luttiim, then?"

Hakua: "Yes, and quickly. We don't want to be caught in the middle of the forests when night falls."

That answers your question. Hakua takes the lead, and you and everyone else follow behind.

Pacing quickly out of the building, the party crosses a field with an occasional body here and there, but nothing dangerous.

One by one, Hakua, Koa, and Ettiin slip out, while the Black Dragon grabs on to you and flies upwards with you. As the two of you reach the top of the wall, you see the vague outlines of buildings in the distance to the east, with a vast amount of forest in between. The dragon then gently glides down to the ground on the other side, and deposits you on the ground by Koa.

Koa: "If only the dragon could carry all of us to Luttiim."

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Firebrand★
- Sanguis
-- ??? (===-------)
- 100 gold coins
- Caelum Mage Stone Fragments (x12)

Equipped (2/10) :
- Echo Helm (+1 Detection)
- Magmaul (Brigandine)

Abilities :
- Fire Charge (Firebrand★): Charge up Firebrand to enhance fire attacks with the weapon by 3. (3 turn recharge)
-- Recharge (=--)
- Heaven's Blessing: Automatically roll a 5 when used with an action. (10 turn recharge)
-- Rechargo-Meter (==========)
- Bloodlust (Sanguis)
- Banshee (Echo Helm)
- Highlander (When activated, cannot die for 3 turns) (Can be used on multiple allies closeby)
-- Recharge (===============)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

(Roast Veg)
Paradox Mist
[ 4 ] = 4
> "Well let's see if we can't find us some attention."

You walk around the immediate area, seeing if there's anyone around. Nearing the armored figure in the alley-way, you see the suit of armor looks exactly like the one that the Lord was wearing earlier and is holding her glaive, while the lord herself is sitting down against the wall of a building, leaning on the leg of the suit of armor. She appears to be sleaping.

The armor then turns to you, and cold blue eyes watch you from under the shark-like visor of the helm.

???: "We're alone here. There are probably still civilians hiding in their homes, but they will be no help to us."

Race: Human
Inventory (4/10) :
- Vulcanis
- Longsword
- Leather Bag
-- 1100 gold coins
- Wet Noodles(?)
- Paper Runes
-- Fire Drop Tag (Qty. 1)
-- Lightning-Trap Tag (Qty. 5)
-- Plasma Bolt Tag (Qty. 3)
-- Lightning Tag (Qty. 1)

Equipped (1/10) :
- Caelum Mage Stone
-- (Energy: ====------)

Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Runic
-- Energy Control
-- Thermal (Fire, Ice)
-- Kinetic (Impulse)
--- Power Flow
-- Instinctual
--- Addle Lance

Passive Abilities :
- Critical Eye (+1 to actions involving precise movements)

Conditions :
- Cut Left Foot (-2 Left Foot actions)

Kyros Deiimor
[ 1 ] = 1
> "To think I came so close to becoming corrupted myself."

You shudder, and shake your head to clear your thoughts.

"Has anyone found the source of the mass corruption yet? No, wait, does it matter...? Even if the source were found, those who became corrupt would have to be purified... or killed, to stop the spread completely.
... I guess all we can do for now is survive... and fight to end it."

Koa: "The source of the last mass corruption, I believe recordings of the event survived and have been preserved. This corruption, however, I am not sure if we have found out yet."

You look to the east, where your destination rests somewhere out of sight.

"Should we head for Luttiim, then?"

Hakua: "Yes, and quickly. We don't want to be caught in the middle of the forests when night falls."

She gestures towards the southern gates, intact and opened barely. Hakua takes the lead, and you and everyone else follow behind.

Pacing quickly out of the building, the party crosses a field with an occasional body here and there, but nothing dangerous. Upon reaching the large, metal gates, you can see that they're open just enough for a single person to pass through.

One by one, Hakua, Koa, and Ettiin slip out, while the Black Dragon grabs Gustaf and flies him over.

Koa: "If only the dragon could carry all of us to Luttiim."

Race: Chirop
Inventory (2/10) :
- Longsword
- Shortsword

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Hurricane Blade
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Kinetic (Impulse)
--- Power Flow
-- Electric (Lightning)

Passive Abilities :
- Magical Potency (+2 Magic Potency)

Conditions :

[ 1 ] = 1
> "I'm not sure. Let's look around. We'll be sure to find some way out of here."

You walk around a bit, and with the time being high-noon, the sun shines brightly down through the grate above. There's a mess of a corpse near a tunnel that the wolf-thing ran down, dressed in dirtied green clothing.

There are the pearl-white remains of bones lying around as well, with various pieces of equipment that belonged to their late users, such as pieces of armor and swords. The only other open tunnel is the one you came from, but there's quiet a lot of loose rubble lying around.

Feiar: "Maybe if you threw me up to the bars, I can loosen them and get through, and drop a rope down. Do we have rope? Or any tools?"

Race: Human
Inventory (3/10) :
- Crossbow (LOADED)
- Crossbow Bolts (Qty. 47)
- Marauder's Mage Stone

Equipped (0/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :
- Marksman (+1 to rolls involving the use of ranged weaponry)

Conditions :
- Feiar sitting on shoulders


[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Race: ???
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :

Black Dragon

[ 2 ] = 2
> The Black Dragon grabs onto Gustaf and flies over the gate. hanging briefly on top of the wall to take a good look around, before dropping down and letting Gustaf back on to the ground.

Inventory (?/?) :

Active Abilities :

Conditions :

Koa Tsinthula

[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Inventory (?/?) :
- Marauder Greatsword

Equipped (4/10) :
- Dualumn Helm
- Dualumn Robes
- Steel Cuirass
- Steel Greaves

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Electric (Pathic)
-- Light (Illumination, Minute Control)
-- Dark (Darkening, Minute Control)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Missing Right Forearm

Hakua Hiinathi

[ 1 ] = 1
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :
- Raptor Dagger

Equipped (2/10) :
- Raptor Goggles
- Raptor Jacket

Active Abilities :
- Magic Control Level - Pathic
-- Electric (Lightning)

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :


[ 4 ] = 4
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Twisted Ankle
- Sitting on Isaac's Shoulders


[ 2 ] = 2
> ~

Race: Chirop
Inventory (?/?) :

Equipped (?/10) :
- Marauder Helmet
- Marauder Cuirass
- Marauder Armguards x2
- Marauder Greaves/Boots x2

Active Abilities :

Passive Abilities :

Conditions :
- Wing-bone Claws

World Events:
Time of day: Day


Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:50 am
Loose Canon
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 151)
"Ahahahaha, ♥♥♥♥ no way. Oh you're coming with me."
> Realize I'm wearing a Cheater Mage robe, switch to a red one. Put a Fireball rune onto the Paint staff, head outside and give it to Aucupe. Give other staff to Paradox, tell him not to aim at face.
"Wait did we just acquire some Firepower?
... We might be able to fight that thing in the basement."

Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:05 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 151)
"Who is in charge of you?"

Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:13 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 151)
Two, no... Three questions:
- How many people could the dragon carry at a maximum? Can it carry TWO?
- Do Ettiin's Wing-Bone-Claws keep her from flying?

- Does this game ever get any downtime? By downtime, I mean time when nobody is doing anything important and nothing exciting is happening. Because I'd like to take the role-playing seriously and not just randomly start training skills while talking to people, but I feel like if I keep this up, I'm never going to get stronger.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:37 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Infidium (Roll 151)
Nighthawk wrote:
- How many people could the dragon carry at a maximum? Can it carry TWO?

It can fly with two, sorta sluggishly fly with three, definitely not fly with four.
Nighthawk wrote:
Do Ettiin's Wing-Bone-Claws keep her from flying?

Yeah. Imagine the finger bones in a bat's wings, except the skin wing membrane is gone and the bones are shorter and thicker.
Nighthawk wrote:
- Does this game ever get any downtime? By downtime, I mean time when nobody is doing anything important and nothing exciting is happening. Because I'd like to take the role-playing seriously and not just randomly start training skills while talking to people, but I feel like if I keep this up, I'm never going to get stronger.

Most of the downtime in the game was earlier in the beginning, but now's a good time to train, since you'll be simply travelling without interruptions, hopefully.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:01 pm
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