Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #45)
Tokochiro (9)
With a flick of your wrist, your cane flips back into its original shape. You strike at the giant, (9 v. 1) and hit him solidly. Oddly, he doesn't respond at all. It's like he didn't even feel it.
caekdaemon (6 - 4 = 2)
"Why thank you very much."You lift the drink to your lips, but a lot if it ends up pouring down your face. Incredible how people manage to drink when... drunk. Luckily, the amount that you swallowed seems to have been enough. You begin feeling strange.
You yawn, and suddenly feel very tired.
"Oh," says the barkeep.
"I forgot to tell you - It'll cure you fast, but it makes you sleep just as quickly."Wonderful.
You fall asleep.
Adam (12)
You wheel around and aim a second punch at the man's back. (12 v. 1) Your strike hits him squarely, and he nearly collapses.
He spins about (1 v. 7) but you jump his kick and land on his leg, pinning him down.
CaveCricket (8 - 1 = 7)
You alter your message and instead try to force yourself upon the man's will, and stop his fighting spirit. (7 v. 7) He pushes your attempt out of his head.
Torrent (5 - 2 = 3)
You forget about the giant man for a while, and focus on trying to get past the barriers of intoxication while fighting. Sadly, it is difficult to learn how to fight when drunk... while you're drunk. You stumble around a bit, attempting to figure something out, and then give up the attempt altogether. You just can't do anything fancy right now.
Ociamarru (12 + 2 = Can I go past 12?)
You start feeling refreshed, and you can see a teensy bit more clearly. However, that doesn't stop you from feeling like you already drank way to much for your stomach to hold.
But you can't give up now. You pick up the entire bottle, and take three large gulps before slamming it down on the table.
Drunken Jack tries to copy your maneuver, but midway between the second gulp, he gags.
He spits out some drink, then drops the bottle onto the ground. It shatters loudly upon the floor. Hfollows it. His eyes cross, and he leans too far back in his chair.
It thumps upon the ground.
The crowd is utterly silent for a while... then they burst into cheering. You are carried to a table in the middle of the room, and everyone gets swept around in the hurricane of bodies that engulfs you. The fighting between your friends and the large man stops completely, and everyone takes up cheering for the victor. Anderson wakes up suddenly, notices that you have won the drinking duel, and joins in.
Only one person misses it all.
Gabriel snores contentedly in his chair, oblivious to everything around him.
Sweet dreams... and sweet victory.
The partying goes on for the rest of the night. Somewhere along there, (None of you can remember) you all fell asleep.
When the morning dawns the next day, no one feels up to doing anything. Party all night, feel like ♥♥♥♥ in the morning. Ugh.
Somewhere in the back of all your minds, you remember something about having a ton of fun... at a party that you can't recall one bit.