everyone's actions have been confirmed (Including Ben's) and I will do the roll sometime around 4am GMT
Duh102 (5+1=6) Rachel
Rachel walks over to Andrew, next to the wall.
"Looks like I can make myself useful here, eh big boy? Hold still, this might hurt."Rachel pulls up Andrew's pants leg to the knee and uses a local anesthetic. She removes the shrapnel and leftover bullets, sterillizes the wounds and bandages his whole lower leg and knee. Unfortunately, due to her completeness, Andrew is now unable to feel his left leg or bend his left knee, and must hobble to walk. Running? Not an option. Andrew tries to walk, and falls straight over on his face. (No injury) Rachel laughs.
AbilitiesMedical Aptitude (+1 or -1 to rolls involving medical action, to put the roll closer to 5)
Analytic Mind (+1 to rolls involving deciphering properties and uses of objects)
WeaponsCO2 charged repeating crossbow
9mm Uzi
Carbon fiber combat knife
InventoryMedical kit
Magnifying glass
Sleeping bag
Hyperkultra (5) Fiona
"Well, now that I've shot him, I should get away before he gets pissed." Fiona spins and rushes to get in the Armoury, where everyone else seems to be going. While she is running, the
Dark Blur attacks her, but she manages to dodge it's rush and fire her RailSniper again. Rolling sideways, she manages to get to the Armoury, except she is behind the West Wall instead of inside the building. There is a hole in the wall next to her, large enough to shoot or stick her hand through.
AbilitiesElectronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
WeaponsRailgun Sniper Rifle
Beretta U22 Neos
InventoryIncendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 each)
Portable Microfusion Generator (backpack)
Satchel of standard electronic components, including:
Rotor + Housing; Lithium-Ion Battery; Electric Motor; Servos; Modular Structural pieces
Two empty sacks
Condition/sInjured nose (Dressed and healing, 3 turns. Causes Speech Impediment)
Speech Impediment (All speech is modified. -1 to actions involving persuasion, etc)
caekdaemon (5) Bob Jameson Jones
BJJ shouts to everyone outside,
"Everyone! Get to the armory! Grab some guns and let's blow this guy to smithereens!!"BJJ rushes to the Armoury behind him, firing and covering Fiona on the way. The
Dark Blur attacks her, but he distracts it enough for it to miss her. It turns on him instead, but he manages to get inside and close the steel door.
SLAM! The door buckles and bends in the doorframe, but stays shut.
AbilitiesMechanical Engineering: +1 to rolls involving mechanics
Unconventional Weapons: +1 to rolls using unique/strange weapons
Night Vision Goggles: +1 to actions involving seeing in the dark
WeaponsPancor Jackhammer
Beretta 92FS
InventoryTools (in pockets and whatnot):
Ratchet and universal bits; Solar-charged Flashlight (working, battery compartment broken); Half-size crowbar (broken in half); Universal Screw bit-set; Sharpened Box-cutting Knife; Collapsible Wrench;
Earplugs (around ears, not currently in use)
Night vision (on helmet, not currently in use)
HUGE backpack, containing:
Hollow steel shaft
2 stainless steel cables
Speargun mechanics
Spearhead and pole
Toolkit, containing diamonds in bags.
2 Adrenaline Needles (Strength)
3 Amphetamine Needles (Energy)
Research Briefcase (broken lock)
Military mess kit (frying/sauce pan, food tray, canteen and cup)
Individual First Aid Kit
Entrenching tool (Spade)
Sleeping Gear (in a compression sack)
Condition/sHeavy Armour (+1 or -1 to rolls involving taking damage to make closer to 5)
Bulletproof Plating (immune to small arms fire, except you if roll a 1)
Encumbered (-1 to any actions involving endurance, quick relexes etc)
Adrenaline (+1 to actions involving strength, lasts for 4 rounds)
wiffles (1) Dogberry
Dogberry can barely breathe with a 100lb-ish Panther Corpse on top of him. He attempts to push it off, but it is just too heavy. Eric walks over to him, quite casually in fact, and asks,
"Stuck, Dogberry? What happened? Iddy-biddy puddy-tat too much for him?" He grins, loads two shells into his Double-Barreled Shotgun and points it at him.
"You have caused me much worry, Mister. But no matter. Soon you will cause me no more."A high-pitched whine starts up from across the compound, and Eric looks up and away from Dogberry. He takes a step away from the sound, looks back at Dogberry and fires.
Another blinding white light envelops Eric, and Dogberry is hit with excrutiating pain in his torso and face, the only parts of him that are not covered by the corpse. He blacks out.
AbilitiesSpecial Weapons Aptitude ( +1 roll to actions involving my weapons)
Fists of Steel ( +1 to actions involving attacks with hands/feet)
WeaponsB.A.R. Machinegun
Raging Bull
Thumper grenade launcher
Inventory2 weeks worth of rations
Telescopic scope
5ft rope
9 extra mags for B.A.R
250 reserve bullets in a small canvas bag
Riot Shield (on back)
2 Chocolate bars (King size)
Condition/sProne, underneath Panther corpse (Cannot move without help)
Unconscious (Roll 5 or 6 to wake up, or be woken up by someone else)DEAD (Cannot live again unless ressurected)
FoiL (1) Andrew Rodrigues
Andrew pulls up his pants leg to the knee and lets Rachel tend his wounds. Anesthesizing his leg and removing the shrapnel, she bandages up his whole left leg up to and over the knee. He thanks her for her help, takes a step and falls straight over. What? He can't feel his leg. Looking at it again, he sees that the bandage his stiffened his whole leg, stopping it from bending at the knee. In addition, the anesthetic hasn't worn off yet, so he can't feel that leg either.
AbilitiesFists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
WeaponsAA-12 (Full Drum, 35 Rounds)
Colt 1911
Extendable baton
InventorySwiss army knife
Utility knife
Top gun sunglasses
Spare 3 Drums
Spare 4 Magazines
Condition/sTightly-Bandaged Leg (Cannot bend it, -2 to movement speed)
Anesthetized (Cannot feel Leg, -1 to actions involving legs)
alphagamer774 (3+1=4) Tyrone
Tyrone, in his Robo-Pants, leans back on the truck's bumper to steady his aim. Looking down the way, the
Dark Blur flashes around, attacking first the Lady with the RailSniper then her protecter with the
Auto-Shotgun. They both make it to the Armoury safely, and the
Dark Blur starts pounding on the closed door. Tyrone also sees Eric walk over to Dogberry without a care about the
Dark Blur, and point his shotgun at him.
Right. Target Locked. Tyrone bares his teeth in a sinister smile, and fires at Eric.
AbilitiesExo-suit (Allows large loads to be carried, +2 to any straight-line sprints when not encumbered)
Heavy Weapons (+1 to firing from a stationary/prone position)
WeaponsModel 6 Shoulder-Fired Anti-Vehicle Heavy Railgun
AUG HBAR Light machine gun /w extended mags, Holographic sight
H&K Mp5 /w grip, laser sight
InventoryXOS Lower Body Exo-Suit /w attached equipment storage rack (See abilities)
Extra ammo (lots)
Small camo Day-Pack
3 Rations
Two water bottles
Condition/sLoud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Game Events:Eric has been blown away by Tyrone's Heavy Railgun and Dogberry has been shot point-blank in the upper body with two 12-gauge shells by Eric. Dogberry is
bleeding and unconscious, if notdead. Rachel, Andrew and BJJ are trapped in the Armoury by the
Dark Blur. Fiona is outside the Armoury, on the West wall. The
Dark Blur is beating the door to the Armoury down, but could change it's mind at any time and attack Fiona
or Dogberry,or run off.
Map: You are at the little base in the middle, after the horseshoe bend.

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