FoiL (3) Andrew Rodrigues
After taking out
GatorMum, Andrew goes to help Ruben carry Johnny. He's still bleeding badly, but the blood is slowing. As Ruben gets to him, Andrew takes Johnny and lifts him up and onto his shoulder fireman-style.
"This is the least I can do, my friend.""Ow, did anyone hear the voices across the swamp earlier?" He replies.
"I think so. Do you have anything we can use for light?" Ruben asks.
ABILITY UPDATED: Berserk Mode - Now usableAppearance:20, Black hair, brown eyes, 6', well built.
Fists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
Hyper Focus (+1 concentration. 3 of 6 uses)
RAGE FACE (+1 to intimidation & pain-ignorance)
Anti-Laser (Immune to attacks using Pure Energy as a Main Source, unless rolling a 1)
Blast-Proof (Immune to explosive forces, unless rolling a 1)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Berserk Mode - Uses all abilities as needed and an additional +1 to all rolls. -1 to the roll in which you exit this mode. Maximum 5 consecutive uses and 2 turn cooldown.
M4 'Beowulf' Carbine (15 of 30 rounds)
Beretta 92FS (7 of 10 rounds, holstered)
Extendable baton (Wielded, snapped in half)
Top gun sunglasses (Worn)
Blast-Proof Jacket (Pockets: 7 slot used, 3 available)
- Jacket Usage Manual
- 8 Rations (+1 to next action)
- A water bottle (+1 to next action, 1 use)
- Ammo (5 Handgun magazines)
Waist Pockets (18 slots used, 2 available)
- 3 rockets for a SMAW
- Swiss army knife
- Utility Machete
- Ammo (2 Drums, 4 Handgun Magazines)
Botanist's Backpack (19 slots used, 11 available):
- Flare Gun and 4 red flares
- A Folding Shovel
- Some empty vials
- 30ft of rope
- Briefcase (Broken lock but closed)
- 6 Beowulf Magazines
Condition(s)Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Ociamarru (5) Vladimir Ivanov
Vlad follows along behind Ruben and Johnny up until they meet Andrew and passes by Barker on his way to on of the dead
Gators. He has a look for a loose tooth he can use, and surprisingly enough find a good sharp one sticking out of the mouth. He gives it a kick and it comes loose, so he stashes it for later.
Appearance:27, Russian. 6' 2", shaved blonde hair, green eyes, well built.
Cybernetics (+2 to mobile actions, speed is doubled, 4 of 5 uses)
Athletic (+1 to mobile actions)
Scar-face (+1 Intimidation, -1 Charisma etc)
Resilience (Gains one extra roll before death)
Pilot Training (Able to fly aircraft, Cannot roll 1s)
Mental Link (Can project thoughts to others and 'see' theirs)
Slow Motion (Uncontrollable)
Instinctual Actions (Vladimir does things without thinking or knowing)
Say what? ( ??? )
Saiga-12 Combat Shotgun (6 of 8 shells, slung)
Khazar-replicated knife (Sheathed)
Grappling Cane with hidden blade (Stored)
Containment Unit (37 slots used, 13 available)
- Carved Wooden Statuette of self
- Radio
- Cellphone
- Flare gun with 1 green flare
- Ammo (18 Shotgun Shells, 8 handgun magazines)
- 5 days of Rations (15 meals, +1 to next turn)
- TOP-SECRET Information File
- Bubblewrapped Mechanical Cube (Downed Phoenix?)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Kit (1 Use left, nonrefillable)
- Cybernetic Enhancement Upgrade Kit
- Gator's Tooth (Sharp!)
Condition(s)Rested for ∞ turns, ∞ turns before tiredness.
Holey foot (-1 to running every second turn)
Apricot Effect ( Anti-Poison )
Point.Blank (-) Asfer Wilks
The group is coming to him, so he doesn't need to go anywhere.
Generator Power steady: 95% Appearance:Pilot: 21y/o. Mobile Armored Frame EXpirimental 103 Cannon Exosuit.
Large Muscle Mass (+1 to action requiring strength)
Sixth sense (+1 to detecting enemies, traps etc)
Mental Link - Vladimir ('Telepathy' with Vladimir)
Super Sprint (Diverts all power to the legs of the Exo-Suit to sprint. Max 3 consecutive uses. +2 to sprints, -2 to any other power-using action)
Mk.III 40mm Revolver Cannon (5 of 6 rounds, 1 turn to reload) HE SHELL
Mk.II 5.7x28mm Vulcan Gun (100 of 250 rounds, 1 turn to reload) READY
Bladed Shield (Left arm) EXTENDED
MAF-EX103C Exo-suit (1 turn to enter/exit)
Ultra-compact generator (Recharged by light, 5% per turn or 15% if resting)
Sensor node (Left Shoulder, IR, NV, auto-targeting camera)
Underslung Harpoon Gun (Attached to Thermite Revolver, loaded)
- 2 spare Harpoons
Rear cargo container: (17 slots used, 33 slots available)
- 40mm cannon rounds (3xHE, 3xFrag, 6xSmoke, 5xStun, 9 slots total)
- 250 spare Vulcan rounds (3 slots total)
- 9 spare Thermite rounds (5 slots)
- Mk.IV 20mm Thermite Revolver (5 of 5 rounds, minor action to reload)
Condition(s)Loud (-2 to sneaking, stealth etc)
Heavyweight (-1 to any actions involving fast movement)
Limp (Old wound, -1 to running or faster)
Heavy Armour (Asfer's body is mostly safe from harm)
Generator Power 95%
bbbzzz234 (1) Ruben Strongstone
Ruben helps Johnny across the path and Andrew takes him, just in time for Ruben to stumble and sprain his ankle in some mud.
"Ow, did anyone hear the voices across the swamp earlier?" Johnny asks.
"I think so. Do you have anything we can use for light? I can't see the wood from the trees here..."Appearance:24, blue eyes, 5'6", curly hair, stylish hat.
Veteran Sniper (+1 to sniping actions)
Sneaky (+1 to stealth actions)
Night Vision Goggles (+1 to seeing in low light)
Branch Balancing (+1 to actions involving movement in/on trees)
Silenced Dragunov Sniper Rifle (5-15x scope, .44 FMJ, Magazine 6/7, slung)
Silenced MP5 (Magazine 15/30, wielded)
Molotov x5 (Roll a 3 or higher to successfully throw)
Backpack (11 slots used, 14 slots available)
- 5-10x Thermal Scope (1 turn to switch to, 1 slot)
- 5 Dragunov Magazines (2 slots)
- 5 MP5 Magazines (2 slots)
- Rations (3 days, 9 uses, +1 to next action, 3 slots)
- Night Vision Goggles (1 slot)
- Lighter (1 slot)
- 21pk Cigarettes (1 slot)Condition(s)Sprained Ankle (-1 to walking etc unless assisted)
hax (2-1=1) Johnny Maxfield
Ruben does the walking for him, but he is too much in pain to help himself. He does manage to speak out:
"Ow, did anyone hear the voices across the swamp earlier?"Andrew picks him up and puts him over his shoulder.
"This is the least I can do, my friend." He says.
"I think so. Do you have anything we can use for light?" Ruben replies to his question.
CONDITION UPDATED: Blood Loss (8 turns until loss of consciousness, death on 9th turn.)[/b]
Appearance:22, stereotypical Chinese face, average build
(Johnny's abilities are unknown and will only be revealed when he uses them)
Night/Thermal Vision (No Darkness modifiers)
Motion Tracker (+1 to aiming at moving targets)
Sword Mastery (+2 while fighting with Tang-Jian & Sheath, -1 when using other melee weapons)
Observant (+1 to examining or similar)
Make it happen (instant-5, can only use once per 10 rolls, see condition)
(Johnny's weapons are hidden from view and will only be revealed when he uses them)
JS 7.62 Sniper Rifle (10 rounds, hidden)
FN P90 Silenced (50 rounds, hidden)
Tang-Jian (Sheathed across back, under coat)
Tribal Belt Knife (1+ to hidden or stealthy attacks, sheathed)
(Most of Johnny's inventory is hidden from view and will only be revealed when he uses it)
Black Overcoat
Aviator Shades (NV, TV, Motion Tracking)
Bulletproof Vest (100%)
2x Laser InfraRed attachments (used)
Black Backpack (9 slots used, 16 available)
- 3 P90 Mags (2 slots)
- 3 JS 7.62 Mags (2 slots)
- Laptop (Touchscreen, linked to SR Scope) (2 slots)
- 2 Spare Laptop Batteries (Shake-to-charge, 100%-100%, 2 slots)
- Bright Green Apricot-like fruit (Unknown effect, 1 slot)Condition(s)Instant-5 Recuperation ( 2/10 )
Shot (-1 to using non-preferred arm)
Pain (-1 to all rolls)
Blood Loss (8 turns until loss of consciousness, death on 9th turn.)caekdaemon (-) VN Warrior Mech
A few hundred meters above the canopy, the Drop-Pod's reverse thrusters deploy, slowing it down significantly. Then the thrusters break off as a number of airbag-like cushions inflate a few seconds before the Drop-Pod hits the side of a mountain. It bounces and rolls down the mountainside and breaks through a number of trees before stopping. The cushions deflate and the multiple sections of the Pod explode off into the swamp to reveal the Mech inside. The Mech unfolds and stands up quickly, scanning the surroundings for information. It identifies numerous heat signatures within the swamp that correlate to Human Bodies and a smaller Mech, then moves into the trees for cover.
(Check the map for an absolute position, you can now take an action)Appearance:10ft tall Spider-mech, Jungle Camo, Y-shaped feet, Serial no. on back
Metal Plate Armour (Immune to small arms fire)
Thermal/Night Vision Camera (AUtomatic, no darkness modifiers)
Wireless (Internal Linksys Wifi Card)
Rotary Autocannon (125/125 shells)
Modified M1 Browning Machinegun (500/500 rounds)
Mk. IV Robotik© Octo-Core Realtime Processing Unit (A.I. V1.1b)
High Resolution Camera (Thermal/Night Vision)
'Black Box' Situational Events Recording Archive
Backup Processing Core (Storage only: must be manually connected)
3x Extra Firearm Mounting Ports
Storage Container (10 slots used, 2 available)
- 9x Cannon Ammo box (125 shells ea, Minor reload action)
- 1x Browning Ammo box (500 rounds, Major reload action)Condition(s)Large Size (+1 to taking specific damage, cannot fit in small spaces)
Core Processing (Exploitable, Fast 'thinking')
Loud (Cannot sneak)
NPCsCaptain Joseph Barker (-)
Just as he gets his balance, a sharp pain originates from the side of his throat and then - nothing. He's unconscious.
Appearance:40-50 y/o, Short grizzled hair and beard, jungle-camouflage uniform
Weapons:FN FAL 50.63 Semi-auto Rifle (8/20 rounds, 5 mags)
M1911 Pistol (7/7 rounds, 5 mags)
Condition(s)Pain (-1 to all rolls, overcome in 1 turn)
Bad Knee (Slowed, -1 to moving)
UnconsciousGame EventsIt is about 9pm.
Darkness modifiers are now in effect! Shoot a flare, wear night vision goggles, et cetera, otherwise you get a -1.CURRENT SUB / OBJECTIVES:Get to the shiny star objective marker across the lake!
Find the
Fabled Tree - past the mountain ridge and down in the valley.