Let there be rolls.
Tomaster [3]: "♥♥♥♥ you, Dragon."The Dragon is completely oblivious to your group. More importantly, weren't you in a wing-cocoon? And in the center of the crater, far away from the others? And deep underwater?
Some freaky ♥♥♥♥'s going down, you think.
GlowstickNinja (Jackson Winters) [6]:"GILLS BEGONE."You get rid of the gills, instead getting all reptilian up in this ♥♥♥♥♥. You grow some long fangs, make your skin hard and scaly, and give yourself some pretty freaky looking wings. Sadly, that's the best you manage. Dragonoid? Imitation dragonoid you suppose. It's not as good as Foil's Dragonoid-ness. You can't even breath fire!
CaveCricket48 (Kurt D. Hopkins) [4]:You're breaking water vapor, among other things, into oxygen in your lungs.
Which means you're breaking it into oxygen and hydrogen. The ideal components of fire! Or an explosion.
You hope to yourself that your lungs don't explode, then exhale heavily, setting off a spark of Alchemical lightning in your mouth. A nice strong blast of fire shoots out, a good 3 feet long. It only lasts as long as you can exhale, but who cares. YOU CAN BREATH FIRE.
FoiL [4]: You crouch down, building energy in your legs, ready to spring forth and rip that dragon a new throat-hole, when suddenly-
Another guy beat you to it. Someone leaped at the dragon from an entirely different angle, hit it in the throat, and punched a hole straight through it. The dragon lets out a pitiful wail of pain, then falls over into the jungle towards your group.
"...Well ♥♥♥♥."Barnox [1]: You head forward into the jungle, intending to explore. It's pretty typical jungle fare; hot, lots of plants, lots of bugs, falling dragons, wait what?
Out of nowhere, you hear a loud painful cry, then not even 5 seconds later the sky darkens as the falling dragon blocks out the sun. You have time to look up and get half a swear out before the dragon's head lands squarely on top of you.
Yes it hurts like a motherbitch.
No it was not fatal. You absorb the darkness beneath the dragon automatically, allowing you to heal your battered and broken body. Totally trapped under it though.
Amazigh [1]: You keep well away from the dragon, instead choosing to head over to the water edge. You look out at the sea.
Huh... That's odd. Just a minute ago the sea was all choppy and dark, and the sky was cloudy and gloomy and bleugh. But now, the water is a bright clear blue, and there's not a cloud in sight. The water is so clear in fact, that you can see a big black snake-like creature swimming along the bottom of the water. And approaching the land. Quickly.
It breaches the surface in front of you. The giant black snake has an unusually large head, and emphasizes this by opening it wide. Very wide. In fact, it opens so wide that the top and bottom jaws split in half, forming four distinct mouth-parts.
"Oh ♥♥♥♥ me."Tokochiro [5]: *yaaaaawn*Mmm... You've been out here for quite some time. Fishing's quite good out here, although you don't recognize many of the fish. You admit, you MAY have fallen asleep while your boat was just softly floating in the waves. Hmm...
Where are you? You can't see anything recogniz-
"The hell?!"You spin around to find the source of the loud crash, and see a rather large island behind you. It's got a sizable jungle, and there's a group of... people you think, on the beach!
Looking around, you see nowhere else to go, so you decide that the island is as good a place as any.
Game Events: Something hit the dragon. It leaped up from the jungle on the other side of the island, hit the dragon in the throat, and burst a huge hole out through the other side. The dragon then fell into the jungle in front of the Rollers, while the red something that killed the dragon falls back to the island.
"Wait a moment..."Barnox is under the dragon.
Tokochiro is floating off the island.
Everyone else is on a beach at the Volcano Island.