Seeing everyone with their eyes locked on the Glyph, Gabriel immediately asks,
"Is this important or something? It's a family heirloom of mine."Nikolai only says,
"Ah... endeed...""So... what is it?""Eet is a Gleef. Ve tauch eet and aure geeven pvawars.""Oh. Okay, then. Catch."Ociamarru (-)
The Glyph sails through the air, and you catch it. Immediately, your thoughts become crystal clear, and the image of wilderness fills your head. Forests, marshes, stretched wide in your mind's eye. Tundras, lakes, and prairies. You see all of the world as it truly is. Then you snap back to reality. The Glyph is now on the ground, and most of the party is crowding around it. You feel... odd. Is it just the aftereffect of the Glyph? No, this is different. It's... strange. Like all the hairs on your body are standing on end. Then you notice that your Wolf Gear is actually moving. The head of the wolf is actually sniffing the air, and as it does, smells file in through your brain, clearer than ever. The hairs that make up the armor are moving, adjusting to the wind to keep you warm. Your friends, now gathered around you, are painfully obvious. You can feel the heat of their bodies so strongly. Each one of them gives of a specific aura - a signature. It isn't a scent, but a personality. Everything is different, everything is loud and clear. You feel the beating of their hearts echoing around you like drums. You could find them in a dense forest, miles away, with your eyes closed. That is how clear it all is. You feel alive.
Inv. [7]
-Hammer [3]
Eq.-Badass Wolf Gear w/ claws (+1 to all dodge rolls, and Primal Beast Senses) [4]
(Your beast-senses are now awesome. Have fun.
)P-Abilities-Expert Craftmanship (+1 to metalwork)
caekdaemon (-)
"What's that mysteriously glowing thing and why do I have the unnatural motivation to touch it?"You walk towards the Glyph in a dreamy state and touch it.
You feel a burst of heat run through you, like fire. Like forge-fire. You know this feeling. The hammer of the forge resounds in your head.
Then the feeling fades. The hammer you hold in your hand feels strange. You focus on it, and suddenly it seems... better. It's like it's brand new! The old rust is gone, and it feels warm. Almost fresh out the forge.
Inv.-Small Hammer (2)
Eq.-Enhanced Large Hammer (4)
P-Abilities-Metal Worker (+1 to metalcraft)
A-Abilities-Minor Mental Forge (Immediate repair, Weapon Enhancement)
(It repairs any damage, and can sharpen swords, etc.)Status-Nothing
TorrentHKU (-)
You touch the Glyph.
Life runs through your body, and you feel like
everything is going to be okay... somehow. Weird. Maybe that snake bite is leaving you kinda loopy.
Inv. [4]
-Hip Flask [2]
Eq.-Dagger [2]
P-Abilities-Sleight of Hand (+1 to dexterity)
A-Abilities-Minor Force Imbuement
-Minor Healing Touch
(Touch a wound, and it will close. No more bleeding problems. But don't bother using it on your bite. It's already closed.)Status-Neck - Snake Bite (Clotted)
CaveCricket (5)
You start pulling off some super-awesome dance moves, and the snake copies them eagerly. Damn. This guy is practically a mirror. A really ugly mirror with no arms, but a mirror nonetheless. After a good bit of disco, the snake decides that it's not going to kill you. It'd be a shame to kill such a good dancer, after all.
Inv. [13]
-Shortsword [3]
-Dan's Black Powder Rifle (Unloaded) [4]
-Dagger [2]
Eq.-Nikolai's Longsword [4]
P-Ablities-Stealthy (+1 to sneak)
Tokochiro (-)
You touch the Glyph (like everyone else).
You were never an herbologist, but you like plants. Plants are cool. Plants are green. Plants are... uh... photosynthetic. Yeah. That's the word. Anyway, you see a lot of green, photosynthetic things as the Glyph scans your mind with its ancient presence. It locks on to the idea of controlling plants, and you feel a rush of power. You notice for the first time that there is a little weed growing in a crack in the floor. How it survives, you have no idea.
Inv. [4]
-Bandage (1) [1]
Eq.-Nunchuck Cane [3]
P-Abilities-Helping Hand (+1 to assisting friends)
A-Abilities-Fast Regeneration
-Minor Plant Control
(It doesn't let you grow plants like crazy, but it does let you control their movements to a certain extent)Status-None
Adam (-)
You touch the Glyph. You want more fire. Much more fire.
And you get it.
The world is filled with heat. Your skin burns. You have to close your eyes, because they feel like they're going to melt out of their sockets. Fire lives inside of you. You are a living flame. All you know in that moment is the rage of the fiery blaze... Then it stops, and you are there, standing in front of a warm fireplace. Outside the window, flakes of white fall through the air. Snow builds up on the pane, and you can hardly see outside. You observe yourself, sitting there in the warmth. And then you reach into the heart of the fireplace, and grab the flame.
Everything goes dark.
A small light kindles, and you realize it is daylight. You're back in the real world. You look down at the ground, at your feet, and see flames. You leap up, trying to pat them out, but then you realize that they don't hurt you.
Gabriel walks up to you, and puts a hand in the fire surrounding your entire body. He doesn't flinch in pain. His hand doesn't even look burnt.
"It's just... warm. That's all," he says.
It seems you have control of fire to the extent that your friends are not harmed by it. You extinguish the blaze around you with a thought, and smile. Awesome.
Inv. [5]
Eq.-Broken Handle [1]
-Chainmail [4]
P-Ablities-Fist Fighter (+1 hand to hand combat)
(Classic. Do I even have to explain?)Status-None
So, as you can see, almost everyone has powers now. If you powered up an old power, it is now Major. (It won't say major, but it is, because Minor powers now say "Minor" before them.)
Minor powers are nerfed, whereas Major ones are freaking awesome. You'll get more chances to power up Minors later. Majors cannot get any better.
I have also taken the liberty of explaining your new powers in parentheses if you didn't already notice. This is to keep you from making a move that uses your powers in a way that they cannot be used. If you were vague, (Mental Forge Ability) I gave you something as close to your thought as possible. Now, on to the story.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Well, I guess we should get out of here," Gabriel says. He picks up the Glyph and runs off through the hall.