Duh102 (6) Rachel
Rachel and Fiona get out of the jeep and talk to the guard.
"Well?" he says.
"Well, we're from the compound, look in the personnel files. I think we are allowed to go wherever we want..."The guard turns his head and motions for one of the others to come over. A younger man comes over with a grotty clipboard and some dirty papers. He hands them to the guard.and the guard flick through them.
"Name?""Rachel Hueber. I'm a Medic."The guard looks at her.
"Yes, I can see that."He looks back at the clipboard and explains,
"Yes your on the list, but you're meant to be at the southern base, not this one. Why are you away from your post?" He asks.
Fiona steps in,
"She's escording us. We're da deam hired do find a pland or dree-""Ah!" He holds his hand up, palm out,
"Would you kindly keep that quiet?! That's classified information! He says in a lower voice.
"I'll let you through, but don't speak of this! If you are asked again, say it's classified and report them to me, Captain Joseph Barker if you're not aware. Go now. " He pulls out a metallic card from the clipboard, gives it to Rachel and backs up.
As the ladies get back into the jeep, there is a big explosion above them. A great red flare has been fired into the sky, and Fiona drives forward quickly. They get through the gates and follow a soldier waving hand-signals to go left to a garage. Dogberry is getting off his quad off to the side. When did he get here?
AbilitiesMedical Aptitude (+1 or -1 to rolls involving medical action, to put the roll closer to 5)
Analytic Mind (+1 to rolls involving deciphering properties and uses of objects)
WeaponsCO2 charged repeating crossbow
9mm Uzi
Carbon fiber combat knife
InventoryMedical kit
Magnifying glass
Sleeping bag
Restricted Movement (Sitting in a vehicle. -1 to any actions involving major movement.)
Hyperkultra (4-1=3) Fiona
(Copy of above)
Rachel and Fiona get out of the jeep and talk to the guard.
"Well?" he says.
"Well, we're from the compound, look in the personnel files. I think we are allowed to go wherever we want..."The guard turns his head and motions for one of the others to come over. A younger man comes over with a grotty clipboard and some dirty papers. He hands them to the guard.and the guard flick through them.
"Name?""Rachel Hueber. I'm a Medic."The guard looks at her.
"Yes, I can see that."He looks back at the clipboard and explains,
"Yes your on the list, but you're meant to be at the southern base, not this one. Why are you away from your post?" He asks.
Fiona steps in,
"She's escording us. We're da deam hired do find a pland or dree-""Ah!" He holds his hand up, palm out,
"Would you kindly keep that quiet?! That's classified information! He says in a lower voice.
"I'll let you through, but don't speak of this! If you are asked again, say it's classified and report them to me, Captain Joseph Barker if you're not aware. Go now. " He pulls out a metallic card from the clipboard, gives it to Rachel and backs up.
As the ladies get back into the jeep, there is a big explosion above them. A great red flare has been fired into the sky, and Dogberry on the quad drives up to the driver's side of the jeep.
"Quick, let's go!" He says to Fiona, who takes the steering wheel in hand and drives forward. They get through the gates and follow a soldier waving hand-signals to go left to a garage.
AbilitiesElectronics Expert: +1 to rolls dealing with circuitry
Weapon Specialist: +2 to rolls using Railgun Sniper -1 when using other weapons
WeaponsRailgun Sniper Rifle
Beretta U22 Neos
InventoryIncendiary and Kinetic Magazines (3 each)
Portable Microfusion Generator (backpack)
Satchel of standard electronic components, including:
Rotor + Housing; Lithium-Ion Battery; Electric Motor; Servos; Modular Structural pieces
Two empty sacks
Condition/sInjured nose (Dressed and healing, 8 turns. Causes Speech Impediment)
Speech Impediment (All speech is modified. -1 to actions involving persuasion, etc)
Restricted Movement (Driving a vehicle. -1 to any actions involving hands.)
caekdaemon (-) Bob Jameson Jones and Benpasco (-) Eric
Since BJJ and Eric are somewhere where nobody knows, theirs actions will be sent by PM until they are seen by the group again.wiffles (3) Dogberry
Dogberry realises that he is actually not where he wants to be, so he gets on the quad and drives up the road. He arrives at the blockade just as a flare goes up and explodes, and pulls up next to the jeep.
"Quick, let's go!" He says to Fiona, and she drives forward with Dogberry in tow.
They get through the gates and follow a soldier waving hand-signals to go left to a garage. Dogberry parks the quad off to the side a bit, out of the way, and returns to the other three,
AbilitiesSpecial Weapons Aptitude ( +1 roll to actions involving my weapons)
Fists of Steel ( +1 to actions involving attacks with hands/feet)
WeaponsB.A.R. Machinegun
Silenced Raging Bull
Thumper grenade launcher
Inventory2 weeks worth of rations
Telescopic scope
5ft rope
9 extra mags for B.A.R
250 reserve bullets in a small canvas bag
Riot Shield
2 Chocolate bars (King size)
FoiL (6) Andrew Rodrigues
Fiona and Rachel get out of the jeep to talk, so Andrew is left alone. He needs something to listen to. Reaching over to the radio, he pushes a button marked 'SOURCE'. The radio switches on, but it's on CD mode. Something starts playing, something.... old. That's not 80s... that's.... CLASSICAL!!! ARRRGGHGHGHHG!!!!!! TURNITOFFTURNITOFFTURNITOFF-
Andrew smacks the radio one, and it does turn off, but permanantly. He just hopes the girls don't mind the natural sounds of the jungle.

As the ladies get back into the jeep, there is a big explosion above them. A great red flare has been fired into the sky, and Fiona drives forward quickly. They get through the gates and follow a soldier waving hand-signals to go left to a garage. Dogberry is getting off his quad off to the side. When did he get here?
AbilitiesFists of fury (+1 to actions involving melee)
Forced Break & Entry (+1 to actions involving breaking things)
WeaponsAA-12 (Full Drum, 35 Rounds)
Colt 1911
Extendable baton
InventorySwiss army knife
Utility knife
Top gun sunglasses
Spare 3 Drums
Spare 4 Magazines
Condition/sRestricted Movement (Sitting in a vehicle. -1 to any actions involving major movement.)
Game Events:In the garage are quite a few trucks and boxes piled around. Inside the closest truck, which is empty, are some soldiers looking around for something. The entire canvas has been taken off the top and they are pulling up the floor sections. Another of the soldiers is making descriptive gestures (this-wide, this-big) to a higher-ranked soldier, who doesn't look too happy.
Map: You are at the little base in the middle, after the horseshoe bend.

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