Canis MinorOrder the orbital construction vessels to build Imperial Fleet Central Command or IFCC directly onto the shipyards.
A central command base for the organization of my fleets is definitely a damn good idea.
The IFCC is completed in record time. The latest and greatest in computing technology is sent in and trial runs along with theoretical combat situations are simulated adding to the navys training systems.
Start construction of a Arcology.
The first Arc's are designed, large deplorable living spaces, initial construction of Canis Alpha begins.
Improve teleportation technology. Perhaps the use of teleportation pads and sensors connected?
SciCorps work on the theory behind Controlled fusion collapse transport, the ability to remotely create is laid out and work begins. The first teleportation pad is theorized. each pad requires 500kgs of metal and will cost approximately 50 kilos of heavy metals per teleportation of any size.
During routine exercises the Canis Informational Warfare team discovered a number of service logs that simply didn't add up. under guise as service personnel themselves the CIW team have apprehended 5 people and 1 pilot. along with a strange craft. None of the personnel are registered in canis and the craft is devoid of any markings. Inside was a number of containers thought to contain a bio-weapon along with several hard-drives and a briefcase.
Gungnir Industries(Population/Metal/Internal affairs wont progress however they will still react to major issues)
GehennaContinue electronics salvage. Attempt to reestablish contact with asteroid bunkers and mining drones.
Salvage continues and new operating systems are uploaded to the colony and mining drones. Everything manages to come back online. The asteroid habitat reports all systems are fine, everyone is still alive. Though very worried as to the cause of such a problem.
Rework Project Haywire with stricter virus control standards (no virus access to outside systems; sealed database protocol).
Project Haywire continues, the 3 alpha viruses now contained and safely stored.
Top up metal production by increasing the mining drone fleet to 14 drones. Work up a way to improve their efficiency. If they use drills, perhaps install artificial-diamond drillbits and cutting edges. If they use plasma cutters or lasers, augment them with purified-heavy metal laser technology.
more research into the mining lasers aboard the mining drones, the new Saatanium core focusing arrays are retrofitted to them boosting their outputs and construction of another 3 drones completes in record time.
Nono EntromiyboThimaiHalt production of Destroyer
Thimian Destroyer production is halted in favour of additional mining drones.
Make more mining drones
Construction of more mining drones begins however metal shipments destined for the manufacturing are stolen by colonists.
Continue stripmining
(not really an action since its ongoing)
During a protest rally of living conditions aboard the ship presence of security personnel blocking entrance to the bridge causes a fight to break out between security personnel and colonists. As the protests turned ugly a number of colonists stampede throughout the station trying to get away from security forces numerous colonists are down trodden and mauled by the masses over 300 people die in the chaos.
XexelithStationem XXVI>Create space-farms with space wheat, corn, and rice. Or the closest equivalent to these products available.
Bulbous greenhouses are constructed on the top of the space station. Growing a variety of wheat, rice, corn and select fruits.
>Research the raw metals found in the mines, try to refine into malleable material.
Initial refinement of the raw metals continues, a full scale refinery would speed up refinement greatly.
>Build a huge space wharf, for the docking of caravan units, military ships, and personal vessels for the indubitably rich.
Construction of a docking station on what was the port side of the colony ship is completed, the only vessels berthed here for now are the can interceptors.
Klik'TarHave 2 Klik'Tar Mutate Into Having Working/Mining Tools and gills.
The biological information taken from the fish is used to provide the klik'tar gills, mining tools are crudely manufactured from excess ship parts and the klik'tar prepare themselves.
If This succeeds make them mine underwater for anything able to aid the comms relay.
The Ocean is far too deep to be mined from the bottom however the klik'tar manage to salvage the backup generators from the flooded engine room. These are connected back up and the com's relay will be back online next turn.
If I can begin rebuilding the Khan Interceptor unt Comms Relay, focus mainly on Comms.
The from its two wrecked partners the second khan interceptor is reassembled, a few parts are left over however not enough to make a 3rd.
VerigonLand on the more habitable planet. Begin unpacking.
The colony ship lands on the surface and the colonists unpack, waiting for this moment for many years the unpacking plans are executed with great speed and efficiency. The colonies manufacturing, mining and refining processes are all online.
Send mining team to look for useful minerals.
Surveyor teams are sent out across the planet, with mining drones geological sensors detecting no good sources of metal nearby however teams continue to expand further afield.
Have colonists make farms.
Colonists along with agridrones begin farming preparations. Initial farmland is designated and teams are co-ordinated to farm their separate patches.
TITAN Automated Industries Hiveship Sigma> Commence long-range scanning of local sector to determine highest concentrations of untapped mineral resources.
Assigned to Sector 110/212/19. Scanners show that the red giant, Star H has the largest untapped mineral resource. the stars fluctuating gravitational field is breaking apart the planet closest to the sun while the planet further away has had its atmosphere shredded and life burnt away allowing mining of the metals and rocks under the planets surface.
> Begin calculating probable FTL exit coordinates.
> Deploy Hiveship Sigma when ready.
Hiveship Sigma deploys in system at a fair distance from the sun due to its unstable gravitational fields.