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 Roll To Die - ENDED 
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Can I get on the waiting list?

Wed May 04, 2011 9:15 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Refund Shield & Mace (-3 points)
>Purchase Moderate Physical Barrier (4 points)
>Purchase Assault Rifle (1 point)

Wed May 04, 2011 9:24 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Refund Assault Rifle
>Purchase Machine Gun

Wed May 04, 2011 9:42 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Select 'Slightly Stronger Limbs', 'Rifle' and 'Minimal Plating'.

I figure my strength will counteract any problems with the rifle.

Wed May 04, 2011 10:03 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Get a Grenade Launcher.

Wed May 04, 2011 10:15 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Upgrade electrokinesis.

Thu May 05, 2011 3:48 am
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Oops, just realised I ♥♥♥♥ Non's roll up last time, luckily nothing else would of happened in his roll apart from the Fading to white.

Clone #25942 [-] > Get a Grenade Launcher.
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room, You are now Holding a Grenade Launcher, and your Assault Rifle is slung across your back on a Sling, your Grenade Launcher has a Sling as well. From what information the Display gave you know that Your Grenade Launcher is rated as a 5 on the Auto-Reload system speed scale, you also take note that if you have multiple weapons only the one that is currently equipped will Auto-Reload at standard speed, if a weapon is slung across your back or otherwise unequipped it will Reload at a speed rating of 1.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [1/1]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Combat Knife
-3 Points [Not a physical item]
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]

Clone #25943 [-] >Refund Shield & Mace, Purchase Moderate Physical Barrier, Purchase Assault Rifle
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room Holding an Assault Rifle, you also feel the addition of Physical Barrier creation to your list of psychic abilities, From what information the Display gave you know that your ability to create Physical Barriers isn't limited to Purposefully willing them into existence and you have a weak Passive Barrier that will activate when you are attacked, created barriers will last for a while before fading away, the Distance at which you can create Barriers is around 4 Meters, The Barriers created will stop Physical matter while they still have energy but will have no effect on Psychic Attacks, One stronger barrier or two weaker barriers may be maintained at a time at your current level, The Barriers may cover an area up to around 8 square Meters in size.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [-] >Upgrade electrokinesis.
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room, You feel that your Electrokinesis is more Powerful, From what information the Display gave you know that you can now Fling three weak Bolts in a short period of time or a Single much more Powerful Bolt.
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [-] >Refund Assault Rifle, Purchase Machine Gun
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room, now holding a Machinegun, From what information the Display gave you know that the Machinegun has a Higher fire rate than your Assault Rifle but fires similar Rounds, It's rating on the Auto-Reload system speed scale is 5.
-Machinegun [50/50]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [100%]
-2 Points [Not a physical item]

Clone #25946 [-] Refund everything I have for a Pulse Laser
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room, Now holding a Pulse Laser, which is a Large weapon held like a Rifle, From what information the Display gave you know that a Pulse Laser fires Very Short Duration high intensity Laser Beams at a relatively high rate of fire, it uses an automatically Recharging internal Battery as it's power supply which will only recharge if the weapon isn't being used.
-Pulse Laser [100%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25958 [-] Select 'Slightly Stronger Limbs', 'Rifle' and 'Minimal Plating'.
After making your selection, You awaken in a new room, You are holding a Rifle, have Soft Plates under your skin on a large Portion of your Body and your Muscles are slightly larger than those of the other Clones, From what information the Display gave you know that your Plating will reduce the damage of attacks that hit the plates and is more effective against Melee attacks than ranged ones, Also you know that your Stronger Limbs will allow to to move slightly faster than normal and you also have greater raw strength in comparison to other Clones.
-Rifle [8/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]

Game Events:
You awaken in a square room which appears to be made from concrete, roughly 12*12 meters in size.
You are lined up against one of the walls.
The opposite wall is made from metal and is marked with hazard stripes along it's base.
The First 5 Clones find this Awfully familiar.


Last edited by Amazigh on Thu May 05, 2011 7:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu May 05, 2011 6:59 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
That's alot of gear to choose from.

Throw me on the waiting list :grin:

Thu May 05, 2011 7:11 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Get to a kneeling position and aim carefully with the MG at the opposite wall.

Thu May 05, 2011 8:01 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
Head to the right bottom corner of the room, and draw my high-powered rifle, holding it at the ready.

Thu May 05, 2011 9:39 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Kneel, gun up, shield over as many people as possible whilst still being strong.

Thu May 05, 2011 9:55 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Prepare to fire a charged bolt.

Thu May 05, 2011 11:25 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
> Get the assault rifle out and ready.

Fri May 06, 2011 1:32 am
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Clone #25942 [8] > Get the assault rifle out and ready.
You Sling your Grenade Launcher over your shoulder and draw your Assault Rifle, you take aim at the far wall just as it begins rising revealing the Robots.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Grenade Launcher [1/1]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Combat Knife
-Burn Scars [-1 to some rolls]

Clone #25943 [1] >Kneel, gun up, shield over as many people as possible whilst still being strong.
You try to get Shielding up but only manage to get a small weak Barrier up, you blame this on inexperience, you do however manage to raise your weapon into a semblance of a fighting stance.
-Weak Telekinesis
-Moderate Physical Barrier
--Barrier [||----] [3 turns]
-Assault Rifle [30/30]
-Scarred Right Leg [Movement Speed Reduction]
-Scarred Stomach [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25944 [8] >Prepare to fire a charged bolt.
You charge up a Bolt and hold it ready for whatever is behind that door.
--Stored Charge [+1to Roll if Electrokinesis is used] [1 turn]
-Weak Psychic Barrier
-Bladed Right Hand
-Burn Scars [-1 to some Rolls]

Clone #25945 [6] >Get to a kneeling position and aim carefully with the MG at the opposite wall.
You drop to one knee and aim towards the far wall ready to face whatever is behind it. Your Targeting system highlights the Robots in a Red Glow, at least some things are a certain here, Robots are out to kill you.
-Machinegun [50/50]
-Basic Targeting System
-Medium Static Field Projector [100%]

Clone #25946 [3] Test out the laser by firing it at the far wall. Fire multiple times in a smiley face pattern.
You Fire a few crimson beams into the wall but before you can start to make a face like shape the wall begins rising, how inconsiderate of it.
-Pulse Laser [88%]
-Scarred Chest [Slightly Lower Damage Resistance]

Clone #25958 [7] Head to the right bottom corner of the room, and draw my high-powered rifle, holding it at the ready.
Quickly moving to the corner of the Room you take aim with your Rifle expecting the worst, and as the Wall begins Raising your fears may be realised.
-Rifle [8/8]
-Slightly Stronger Limbs
-Minimal Plating
-Scarred Throat [Cannot Talk]

Game Events:
The wall marked with hazard stripes rises into the ceiling.
Another room roughly 12*12 meters in size is revealed, You note the far wall is also Hazard striped Steel.
At the other end of the room there are 8 Robots armed with what appear to be automatic weapons.
These Robots are clearly Superior to the ones from Room 1, they have basic armor covering their entire bodies and no exposed components.
As one they raise their weapons and aim at the Group.


Fri May 06, 2011 8:19 pm
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Post Re: Roll To Die
>Strengthen/Enlarge barrier.

Fri May 06, 2011 8:48 pm
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