Canis MinorGet SciCorp to create a working transporter for inorganic materials. Transporting living things can come later. Set a small division to working on more powerful computers and a second division to work on subspace gates that can link any pair.
SciCorp fit out their new base with the latest technology, including a pair of supercomputers. The mining drone moves from assisting here to the mining operation. And the engineers move back to the dam.
SciCorps first success comes here, with designs for a pair of gate structes that literally "fire" a metal container loaded with things to the other gate with acts to slow them down. The gates could also be used as a weapon of sorts as a metal container doing several hundred kilometers an hour would make a large dent. Living things would not be able to travel on this without some serious help. accelleration forces far exceed what any living being could live through. With suffecient padding food and other perishables should be fine. The gates can theoretically fire once every 24hr period though the life of the magnetic coils is unknown without full sized testing.
Start elections for a political cabinet. We need a Minister of Industry and Trade, a Minister of Foreign Affairs, a Minister of Defence, a Minister of Internal Affairs, a Minister of Science and a Minister of the Ecology and Agriculture.
I'm hoping that proper leadership in all these areas will improve productivity.
The Canis Ministry requisitions a large gathering space from the colony ship and sets up inthere. Holding meetings 3 times a week to discuss matters of importance to the colony. (what role do you play now, a singular authoritarian? also you can request a status update from these fellows at any time)
Encourage private enterprise, such as mining and refining corporations specifically.
A cheer for the private sector!
Utilising civilian technologies thanks to Ofnir Vehicles, Arc Refining begins to emerge. a Private refining company, willing to purchase raw metals from the government in exchange for 25% of the refined output. (basically theyll buy 1t raw, give you 250kg refined metal and keep the rest for private enterprise. feel free to negotiate)
And, a little something.
Set up a Wall of Heroes at our training academies. Engrave the names of those we have lost there.
Jandiana Prusys
Agis Jehlfeld
Jakob Dorn
Are added to the wall of heroes. in the training acadamies common area. Tribuites by the population are left for the vallaint defenders.
Gungnir Industries"Be merciful, after the Can and it precious cargo is released, arrest them and confiscate the frigate. Divide the sample among us and then return to Freedoms Progress"
The rogue navy personnel aboard the frigate release the Can, its pilot and its cargo. the Pilot happy to be back with friendly people.
The navy personnel aboard their frigate are rounded up and arrested, restrained in a cargo hold within Alpha Wolf. The other frigate on the other hand is unable to move under its own power and would take a long time to tow back to the planet. The Gungnir navy discusses their options of towing it back slowly, taking what they can from it and leaving, scuttling it, or leaving it somewhere with a tracking beacon attached.
"What?! Military teams vanished?SHUT. DOWN. EVERYTHING. Send more troops! Set everyone to high alert, I want cameras everywhere, one on every person at least. Get scanners to scan everything for everything scanable, I want a gun pointed to every hatch, hole and doorway, I want EVERYone to be as ready as they can be for an 'Alien' style threat. Actually, set up a movie night for rec at the camp, and play Alien, and Predator and Alien Vs Predator."
The new security protocols are initiated, Camera and motion sensor devices are set up in nearly every corridor with a team of personnel assigned to watch the the bank of monitors 24/7. So far nothing has been seen, but nobody's gone missing recently thankfully. The wolf makes additional scanner passes, utilising every system it can, still nothing manages to penetrate the initial layers of the station.
The science team have rigged up better working lights around the mining aray and have begun to dismantle the massive device carting it off to the Wolf Frigate in orbit. Most of the system has been moved. only the mounting fittings remain. Once those are done they should be able to back-trace the wiring to the main power generator(s).
"Set up a business and industry sector within the company (Call them Claíomh Solais Enterprises) Same deal as Omer essentially, get them to improve our civilian trade and industry." (+1 industry)
CSE. Claiomh Solais Enterprises. The leader in Gungnir comodties. CSE provides additional work to the colonies, many hard working men and women begin forming the base of the commercial center. Their first requests are for a small manufacturing zone to call their own, while also asking for a small ship to use as a trading vessel.
The SR1 Prowler Frigate is completed. Its quiet unveiling celebrated by only those in the upper eschelons of Omer and Rosenthal. The matt black ship makes its first voyage from the station. during its initial test flight all systems are run in and the ship is ready for operational use.
(also need to make a decision on refining. Impliment Gehennas chemical refining / use harimaru reactor for refining / redline the mining drones, pick as many as you want)
GehennaConduct further research on magnetic-field heavy metal purification.
Success! Through careful work and clever manipulation the heavy metals are refined into their major components. Rods of pure Amecuim are removed and ready for use with the Bulkhead mining frigate. The other to, a powerful nuclear element and a neutron dampener are removed. Per ton it appears to be 50% Amecium. 35% Gehennem (dampener), 10% Saatar (Nuclear element) and 5% "trash" carbon/rock)
Begin the construction of two Bulkheads and their associated drone companies. If one can be build this turn, dispatch it to trawl the asteroid belt for metals, using its drones and lasers to the fullest. Tell them to return with their cargo whenever the lasers burn out and need to be replaced.
The first Bulkhead mining cruiser begins construction and its cadre of drones. the intial framework of the first bulkhead is completed and internal skinning begins, ETA 2 more turns for the cruiser. (did you want this in Metal+ or old (normal) metal?
Assign scientists from AMEC Biochemicals and AMEC Synthesis to work on a new drug that is specially formulated to let humans function normally, without discomfort, on minimal levels of sleep. If its safety tests prove that it is fit for consumption, produce it in drink form and give all people on the Gehenna colony a staple ration of the drug.
The first drug, a all round "booster" to cognitive function is produced and administered to a few test subjects. initial testing goes well, with the subjects entering a stronger sleep for 4 hours simulating 8-10 hours of normal sleep. So far no side effects have been seen.
Nono EntromiyboThimaiBegin designs for large destroyers, outfitted to last long time periods with no outside support.
The first designes for a large destroyer emerges. designed with a large cargo hold inside to be self suffecient during long tours of duty.
The Thimai military scientists begin to narrow down the field however will need to refine the designes further to reach a single design
Build escort frigates.
Thimian military scientists begin work on a escort frigate. however the destroyer project takes most of the scientists and the project advances little.
Be industrial, get to mining and building and breeding.
Thimain militiary industrial sector booms. with more breeding and people moving into building. Construction of additional buildings are required almost immedialty and work begins. on a series of housing projects to handle the rapid expansion.
XexelithStationem XXVIArrival at star C is met by intense chatter and the bridge explodes with activity, Scanners show a habitable planet with a number of orbital stations. identifying themselves as Canis Minor. A massive orbital grouping on the far side of the star identify themselves as Gehenna. The AMEC & SAAT colonization team.
The systems layout is a asteroid belt closest to the sun with a habitable planet held by Canis further out.
Klik'TarOne Klik'Tar Looks At A Wale And Exclaims "Awww Hell Naw" And Dives Into The Water Towards It
The Klik'tar dives into the water and attempts to make its way towards one of the wales, struggling with the water, it flails about.
If it succeeds it claws onto it and releases a worm from its throat, the whale shall be a valuable asset MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA
The klik'tars flailing attracts the attention of a couple of the whales, they buffet the klik'tar before one opens its massive jaws and swallos the klik'tar whole. Struggling inside it uses its claws to get purchase it releases a trio of worms into the whales system before the whales gargantuan tongue dislodges the klik'tar and it falls down the whales gullet. The worms are successful the second managing to grab controll of the whales brain. After a few moments of disorientation the worm gets control of the whales systems and begins hunting.
The rest of the klik'tar proceed to do this.
the rest of the klik'tar proceed to dive into the water, controling what whales they can. the rest are buffeted back to the craft by their whale bretherin though a couple sink to their deaths before an infected whale could save them.
Sorry for lack of a map this turn. clock just dinged time to go to work.