Tryin' to catch me rollin' dirtay...
. Seeing the sight of zombie sharks jumping onto the boat, you are understandably stunned. You manage to quickly gather your wits, and bend the (most of) the fire off of the Twilight books, and towards the sharks. You nail one shark directly, immediately immolating it, and catching a portion of the deck on fire. The shark continues on his lunge, momentarily oblivious to the flames burning his already decaying flesh.
wiffles[1]: With your now repaired hands, you should be able to easily insert the other Beam Eye. If only you could find the bloody thing. Beam Eyes are notorious for horrible night vision, and having only one only aggrevates the situation. Suddenly you stop, having found the eye right after stepping on and squishing it. After realizing what you have done with horror, you shoot the wall in anger, attracting a conviently placed zombie hoard. They attack.
Injuries: - Missing left eye (Chance to not spot danger)
Abilities:- Eye Beam
rjhw1 [4]: Acting quickly in the face of zombie sharks, you form a katana out of Dark Matter for yourself, but lack enough time to equip your zombies (who are incidentally all dead by the way, you'll need to go find some more) with katanas. You also manage to dodge the shark's first lunge, by using a barrel roll.
Injuries-Missing Right Arm (Bleed out in 3 turns without healing)
Abilities - Greater Zombie Control
- Dark Matter Weaponry Synthesis
Inventory - Wimpy Facial Hair
- Ammoless, broken Spas 12
Tomaster [3]: After a quick prayer to Armok, the Old God of blood, you take aim at the sharks and squeeze the trigger. A salvo of 11 syringes goes flying, filled primarily with generic painkillers and weak antibiotics. They impale the sharks, but don't slow them down much, except for the flaming shark, who was shot in the leg with a more potent painkiller, and develops a limp from losing the feeling in that leg. Its charge is stopped, and it notices the fire. Screaming ensues.
Inventory: - Minigun
- Half a medkit
- TF2 Medigun
- TF2 Syringe Gun (69 syringes, filled with random drugs)
Benpasko [3]: You pick up a random zombie, and fling it into a wall, making a satisfying splat and nailing you with a foot.
Injuries- Concussion (-1 to next roll)
Abilities- Telekinesis
Foa [1]: Rooting around in some random boxes, you manage to scrape together 3 paperclips, a very painful splinter in your finger, and a dead rat. Also, I know not what Trilby is, so your turn your cakeface into a crepeface.
Inventory- Crepeface
- Dead Rat
- 3 Paperclips
Injuries- Splinter ( -1 to next roll if it involves the hands)
Game Happenings: The two undamaged sharks land from their first lunge, then like lightning, turn and lunge again. Frank is caught off guard, and the sharks manage to take off his right arm, along with his Katana. Frank is bleeding heavily, and completely defenseless. MOVE YOUR ARSES AND HELP HIM IDIOTS. DROP WHAT YOU'RE DOING, AND FIGHT THOSE SUCKERS OFF WITH WHATEVER YOU HAVE ON YOU!!!