Hey. Hey guess what. Guess what I'm doing.
CrazyMLC[-]: Once again, borrowing from the PW forums to basically summarize MLC's dream.
Abilities: - Metabolic Regeneration
- Super Pyrokinesis
- Aerokinesis
- Clumsy Olympian Power
- Photosynthesis
- Razor Leaves
Inventory:- Nautical Shiv
- Pure Flame Orb
- DecaBow
- DecaBow Quiver
Your eyes are still improving, and a sharp, keening screech shakes you out of your sleep. Angrily, you sit upright, covering your ears, and try to see what the eff is causing that noise. You can see color again now, but everything is still too blurry to make anything coherent out.
Abilities:- Eye Beams
- Venom Immunity
- Molten Repulsion
- Dual Golden Raging Bulls
Inventory:- PVC Pipe
Injuries- A bit Blinded
- Missing Right Eye
rjhw1 [3]: Well that was fun. Walking over to Ben, you notice that he's turned into a glowy shell, covered in equally glowy chains. Feeling expirimental, you whip out the Spas, and shoot the shell. The shotgun thunders, but the pellets are all deflected off of the shield, harmlessly into the sand around Ben. Then, you hear it. You clutch at your ears in agony, the scream burning through your brain. It pierces into your very soul, twisting and churning, tearing down your mind, second by agonizing second. You black out.
Abilities: - Greater Zombie Control
- Dark Matter Synthesis
- Dark Matter Claw Arm
- Zombification (Increased speed and strength)
- Dragon Pulse Style
- Surging Dragon Pulse
- Twisting Dragon Tornado Kick
Inventory: - Wimpy Facial Hair
- Spas 12 (7 shots left)
- 24 12 Gauge Shells
- Loaded AS50 (13 Extra Rounds)
- Melted Chain Scythe (Death Render)
Tomaster [6]: You nod towards Blue, ready to strike. Then, you wait for the attack to actually begin. When it does, it starts suddenly, with a piercing screech blasting out from the charging attack, and making thinking difficult. Well, you don't need to think to smash, so you raise your mace, ready to strike down with it as soon as Rage's barrier falls. You also notice that your shade is becoming less and less corporeal, until it finally melts out of existance entirely. When you look back at Rage, the chains binding him down have broken, and his shield is starting to ripple and flicker. Suddenly, the scream changes to a lower frequency. Startled, you bring the mace down, emitting fire, and it collides with Rages shields. The shields hold for a second, then two, with fire licking around it, then they burst outward. The barrier bursting pushes you backwards with a wave of Telekinetic energy and fire, and you go sprawling. In a flash, you are back onto your feet, facing Rage, who is brandishing
Resplendance with malicious glee. With a roar, you lunge at Rage, and he responds in kind.+
Inventory:- M79 Grenade "Lawnchair" (No ammo)
- TF2 Syringe Gun (66 syringes, filled with random drugs)
- Pulpy (Large Flaming Mace)
Abilities:- Wings (+1 to dodge if flying)
- Berserker Strength
- Summon Shade
Injuries:- Broken Ribcage
- Broken Left Arm
- Fractured Spine
- Dislocated Left Wing
Benpasko [5]: DIE! DIE! BURN THE WORLD! YOU WILL ALL DIE! I WILL DRINK YOUR- What's that sound? As you slowly regain the ability to move, you notice your barrier flicker. Incredulous, you look again, and it flickers again, as well as starts rippling. You pull yourself up to a sitting position, take a hold of the Hammer-Axe, and get ready to surprise whoever is nearby. Suddenly, you feel a pressure on the shield, and it starts to flicker faster and harder. Taking the initiative, you forcefully dispel the barrier, and raise to your feet in time to see Tomaster hit the sand. He immediately gets back to his feet, looks at you, then roars and runs at you. Grinning, you charge him back, ducking his blow at the last moment, and smashing the Hammer into his side. It makes a sickening crunch, and Tomaster flies to the side, bouncing across the sand. He comes to rest, and doesn't get back up.
Abilities:- Telekinesis
Inventory:- Steel and Dragon Skin Plate Armour
- Telekinetic Knives (SkyShear)
- Hammer Axe (Resplendance)
Foa [5]: You panic at the loss of your pants, then see them come back on a wave. You lunge and grab them, then put them back on before someone can see you. Then you realize that with DM War Legs, you don't really have much to see. Eh, pants are vital. As you contemplate your pants, you hear a sudden screech eminate from further inland. Running back towards Rage, you arrive in time to see Tomaster hit the sand, and stay there. Not breaking stride, you run up to Rage, and deliver the dropkick of your life. Instead of bouncing off, the kick actually connects with Rage, and he goes flying backwards, skidding across the sand. Rage bounces a few times, before landing in a crouch while still sliding across the sand.
- LeapDash
- 3 Paperclips
- Spent Silver Capsule
- 5 chunks of metal
Blue Demon[-]: Sheathing Cohlichimarde on your back, you grip your right wrist with your left hand, and begin to concentrate. A small, pure blue ball of energy forms in your palm, slowly growing larger.
Rage... You've killed people. You can cause nothing but pain and suffering, even when controlled. Your very existance is a crime against all that is good in the world. You are nothing but a blemish on this world, to all who feel your power. I will burn you from this Earth, and scatter the ashes across time. Then, I'll make sure you can never use me for this crap either. Your fate is sealed, and your death is near.
HELL!!!At this point, the blue orb reaches a sufficient charge to start screaming. You can't hear it over the sound of your own indignation.
Die Angelus[-]: Your chains break shortly after Blue starts the scream, so you summon them back again, to wreathe Rage in burning justice. The chains burst from the ground, but don't make it even a foot before they fall to the scream again, and shatter. Cursing to yourself, you try a more basic form of the chains. This time, they burst forth from the ground, not alight with burning energy, just a bright silver chain. It withstands the scream, wraps itself around
Resplendance and Rage's hand, and shoots back into the ground.
Got you.Game Event: Rage is bound to the ground by his hand, and unable to use Telekinesis to attack or free himself. He struggles against the Chain, but it refuses to budge.
Th... Thirty seconds left! ...Hurry!