Canis MinorEmbark level 3 crew members on to the Can interceptors, send them to form up with the Gungnir fleet.
The Canis elite can squad head off with 3 of the can interceptors to the rally point. (see gungnir' for outcomes)
Get SciCorp to be more sensible in their requests for a black hole. Let them start developing the required technologies. Give them any resource they request for transporter technology. Let them start small.
Initial forays into quantum entanglement, gravity modifiers and various facets of string theory begin, so far no concrete theories emerge, lots of wild speculation continues.
Found the Canis Maximus Planetside Warfare Academy, for infantry and vehicle pilots. Found the Canis Maximus Intelligence Agency for nation defence.
The CMWA is launched, recruiting more civilians for training in the art of planetside warfare, while CMIA focus on intellegence gathering and defense. The trio of training facilities share their experience with training.
Get the civilian companies to manufacture auto mobile's, both for trading with other colonies, and for using here.
Ofnir Automotive. Canis first private motor group begins its work. many civilians interests in the new vehicles skyrockets. the design with more looks in mind than the drones "function over form" bare essentials. Ofnirs first vehicles are a motorcycle, a cargo hauler and a small car. Ofnir place orders for several tons of metal.
The Sci-Corps laborotory nears completion at 90%. and the 2nd microrefinery drone comes online, linking with the first to boost output.
Gungnir Industries"Send the remaining 2 Wolf class frigates with some marines, the SR1 Gallipoli (if the construction has finished) and 4 Can interceptors. If their force is larger, offer 5t of food and 2t of heavy metal, if they're smaller, play the message below and get them to surrender peacefully or wipe them out."
The massed forces of the Gungnir AMEC Canis Alliance come across a small fleet, a single frigate, with 2 fighters and a single corvette.
A message of aggression is played out to them, The inferiour fleet.
The allied battlefleet approaches the fleet, requesting the goods to be handed over, The fighters launch towards the fleet as the frigate covers the corvettes retreat, Canis elite interceptors launch into combat from the wolf frigate and intercept the heavier fighters, though the canis teams skill outstrips that of the fighters, it was only a matter of time till the fighters guns managed a pass. The first two interceptors are pulverized in strafing blasts of fire, and the third attempts to make for the pItdog for covering fire before becoming the target of 4 missiles. Two are misses. the third appears to have barely grazed the interceptor before an attempt at dodging the last shows the interceptors engines to have been damaged and the craft is gutted by the last missile.
In vindication though the 4 tailing interceptors flew into the pitdogs point defense range and were torn apart by high velocity rounds.
The last two fighters attempt to harass the wolf frigates before they form up with the pitdog in a two pronged trident formation. The wolves forward facing lance's put three clean shots through the aft sections of the remaining pirate frigate while the pitdog prevents any meaningful attack from the fighters.
The piratical frigate broadcasts a message of surrender, giving up the interceptor, its pilot and the superconducting material. Asking you to be merciful.
"Get Omer, along with the already present military\small scale science force to recover or salvage both the mining tech and the ship, if there are any signs of non-huminoid life, kill it, don't take any chances."
The next report shows the scientists haven't been busy, the mining apparatus appears to have been some kind of seismic generator literally pulverizing the rock for it to be crushed and refined. components from the inside of the seismic generator have been carted to the Wolf keeping station near the asteroid base.
The military team have been sweeping the complex. After their first sweeps one of the squads haven't reported in. A second squad sent to search for them returns with their weapons, but nothing else. The teams are currently holding a cordon of the suspicious area while the science team work.
"Try to increase metal (both refined and mined) output."
Omer take up the project with a number of research avenues opening, The inclusion of Gehenna's chemical separation processes, using a harimaru reactor to refine metal all offer to speed up the refinery process. while mining teams are focusing on how to speed it up without damaging the components, the metal used in the mining arrays is just failing at much greater speeds. the teams offer to "redline" the miners however it could end badly in repair costs.
Progress on the SR1 continues with the skinning nearing completion, the last of the internal paneling and systems should be complete next turn.
During a coms test a series of public communications are broadcast through the system. The citizens of Gungnir recieve advertisements on Ofnir vehicles, Gehenna mining services and Nonopan cuisine. The adverts to the citizens cause a sudden request of these things. some even going so far as to inquire for the purchase of a can to ship Nonopan food and snacks to the colony.
GehennaLoad up the Pit Dog with AMEC Security personnel and send it over to Gungnir. Additionally, transmit schematics for chemical refining to Canis and Gungnir. The pitdog attack frigate leaves the dock and rallies with the Gungir team. Chemical refining schematics are sent.
Begin research into further purification of heavy metals, inside a detached research module on a non-populated asteroid. If the experiments are a success, integrate them with mining laser technology.
Experiments begin on asteroid A0042-8X1. A prefab science lab is dropped onto the surface and initial experiments are proving difficult, the use or remote control arms and technology slowing the projects advancement. the chemical separation system are able to remove the impurities however the single element they're trying to remove for the mining laser proves harder to extract.
Make further improvements to the mining cruiser (referred to internally as the Bulkhead), including the addition of the new laser technology and additional slow-burn engines for asteroid tugging. They don't need to accelerate fast, they just need to pull things around.
A considerably larger cruise engine is developed for the craft increasing its straight line power, reinforcement is placed throughout the craft in order to take these larger forces. it aint pretty but its powerful. The new lasers, model 22a are placed on the ship in preparation for its assignment. With the external reinforcement the internal is hollowed out without loosing and structural integrity, the cargo hold now manages 30 tons.
Nono EntromiyboThe colony of Nono Entomirbo proceed to speak in languages of old earth over the coms
ThimaiExpand the space station, add a manufacturing and civilian section.
The space stations expansion goes smoothly this time, with more room for civilians and an increased manufacturing area. (+1 Industry)
Begin building a space dock, to make war ships with ease
A destroyer class dock is built with speed. The citizens of Thimai prepare to explore the stars beyond their star.
Build more mining drones, it's safer that way.
With the increased manufacturing output more drones are placed on order and work begins. the first 2 are completed ahead of schedule and another 2 are due for next turn.
XexelithStationem XXVIThe Colony ship drifts through space, scanners picking up a cluster of stars you have been assigned to colonize, signals already emanate from some of the planets, radio chatter between established colonies. Some of the stars devoid of life, others packed with it. (pick your starter star)
Klik'TarBegin to look around the surroundings, looking for anything that can be pieced from the corvette. There is a small Brain unit in the broken corvette sending a signal to every klik'tar/Infected human saying to look for metal and landmass.
Aside from what is left of the corvette there appears to be little else left. A Khan interceptor held in a dock remains intact and two piles of mangled metal mark whats left of the other two. Reports from other places in the vessel show little sign of improvement, fortunately the blast shields have kept enough water at bay to stop the corvette from sinking, but if you want any of the vital systems back online its going to take a long time. approximately 72% of the ship is underwater.
Make a Klik'Tar reach into a human and get a worm from their throat, and it throws it into the water
The Pure worm form Klik'Tar is thrown into the water, though rapid evolution occurs something blocks your perception of it, akin to a blindfold being drawn across your eyes. You lose all contact with the first worm. lost in the deep blue.
The worm grows fins as a result of being in direct contact to water.
It starts to swim for some fish, although the Klik'Tar need not eat they can infect the fish and find a way to land.
As the worm is lost a group of whale creatures begin orbiting the wreck, nudging the buffeting the ship. Momentary panic spreads as the whales are causing further damage to the corvette's wreck and are causing it to sink further.
i believe i have now edited out all the typos... >.<