Re: Roll to Dodge - Blue Thunder
Good GOD this needs a roll.
CaveCricket48 (Raphael) [4]:
The dwarf gives no openings, so you let go of your Spas for a moment to grab a concussive grenade from your bandolier. The dwarf sees this, and charges in the opening YOU gave. You release the pin of the grenade, then realize that there is a dwarf closing in very fast. In surprise, you drop your grenade, and it falls to the ground, bounces, and detonates directly underneath the dwarf as he reaches you. The dwarf is launched forward by the blast and his own momentum, and his shield goes flying. His stunned body slams into you, and the two of you go sprawling on the ground, heavily disorientated. Your Spas flies out of your grasp, landing a few feet away. You feel a sharp pain in your arm, probably from the dwarf's weapon.
Ociamarru (Vadim Ivanov) [10-4=6]:
Yeah, you'll just... sit here for a little bit...
Wait ♥♥♥♥ there's a dangerous dwarf after you isn't the-
Tokochiro (Mana) [9-5=4]:
Amazigh ("Amazigh") [1]:
*skrunch*The sound of a big metal foot crushing a neck is... really weird-nasty.
Tomaster (Vladimír Shurla) [5]:
"My bad brah. I guess I'll just step in then."You see Vadim get his foot smashed by the dwarf, so you fire another concussive shell, hitting the dwarf directly. It makes a sort of bell-like sound when it hits his armor, sending the dwarf flying backwards. You then move up to protect Vadim. THE V NAMES GOTTA STICK TOGETHER.
caekdaemon (VN Warrior) [3]:
You leap towards the dwarf, who dodges away and keeps his distance from you, wary of the flailing legs.
Game Events:Raphael: Uninjured Dwarf wielding shortsword. Lost his ax.
Dead Dwarf.
Vadim: Uninjured Dwarf wielding war hammer. Lost his shield.
Mana: No Dwarf.
Amazigh: Dead Dwarf
Vladimir: Dead Dwarf
VN Warrior: Uninjured Dwarf wielding ax.