Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #96)
Officially four days of school left, and this is a three-day weekend. Thank the heavens.
Torrent (Gillian) (8 - 2 = 6)
You coerce a stronger glow out of your hand, and the pain subsides significantly. Bones remain broken, however.
Your powers are still too weak.Ociamarru (Nikolai) (3)
You try to make your talisman work like a rocket, but you forgot that it activates on impact with something.
You make no progress.
caekdaemon (Anderson) (4 - 2 + RAGE = 4)
"Oh for ♥♥♥♥ sake. Why does this thing have to move so ♥♥♥♥ fast?"
"I'll give the thing a slow death for making me go this far in the ♥♥♥♥ water."
"Actually... Why did I not remember there are ore deposit's on the bottom of the ocean?"
"I'll deal with those later though. TO BATTLE!"Fed with enough rage, you manage to make a little bit of progress - but you're really feeling like the weight is keeping you from swimming well.
CaveCricket (Raphael) (3)
You urge your tail to become larger, but sadly, it does absolutely nothing.
You make no progress.
Tokochiro (Johni) (10 - 1 = 9)
You summon a clone and he sets off, speeding after Foraqe. He's certainly making better progress than you are. Heck, he's toe to toe with the giant mollusk.
Suddenly, you feel like you're not using your cloning powers to their full extent.
Then you pop out of existence.
And back. Foraqe is literally right next to you. Did you just...
Yes. You can now switch between yourself and your clones at will, suffering no penalty (And retaining your items - that means your clones now wield whatever you have on hand as well).
Phd (John Adams) (9)
You swim more competently than all of the others. Sadly, there is no debris in this open water. If any fell in, it's probably sunk to the bottom by now.
It just keeps going deeper and deeper...
You wonder how you don't die from the pressure.
NPCsGabrielGabriel looks tired, but he doggedly swims on.
TerryTerry finally finishes loading rocks into the Hunchback.
He turns around, sprinting for the water, and jumps high in the air.
The water greets his cannonball with a huge foamy eruption, and he begins sinking after the others.
-Torrent is on the shore.
-Terry, Ociamarru and Cavecricket are in shallow water.
-Gabriel and caekdaemon are in deeper water.
-Tokochiro and Phd are close to Foraqe.
Foraqe stops at an outcropping of rock under the water. There doesn't seem to be much sea life here. In fact, it seems almost wholly devoid of life - like most creatures avoid this place.
There is plenty of room to swim about, and the rocky cliff is large enough to house ten Foraqe's, if need be. Of course, now, there's only one. And it seems to be waiting....