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 RtD: Illusia - (Roll #132) 
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #81)
I just realized my characters name lacks intimidation power. Is it possible to get a rename?

Perhaps to something like Vercingetorix?

Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:11 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #81)
caekdaemon wrote:
I just realized my characters name lacks intimidation power. Is it possible to get a rename?

Perhaps to something like Vercingetorix?

Your actual name is not something that just disappears. It is permanent. However, you may call yourself whatever you like, and if you want to go into battle shouting, "FEAR THE BLADE OF VERCINGETORIX!!" then by all means, have at it.

Sun Jan 08, 2012 2:50 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #81)
Nighthawk wrote:
caekdaemon wrote:
I just realized my characters name lacks intimidation power. Is it possible to get a rename?

Perhaps to something like Vercingetorix?

Your actual name is not something that just disappears. It is permanent. However, you may call yourself whatever you like, and if you want to go into battle shouting, "FEAR THE BLADE OF VERCINGETORIX!!" then by all means, have at it.

Ah good. Perhaps if I yell that enough times people will forget my real name.

Sun Jan 08, 2012 5:06 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
I have exams coming up, but today, I don't really feel like doing anything constructive, so here I am (not that RtD isn't constructive...) Also, I loaned my flash drive to a friend for a day so he could get some files, so I can't even work on plans for my next game, which is my current obsession. Perhaps I should let him keep it for a while - it'd get me more focused on useful tasks.

Anyway, enough of my ramblings. You guys have been waiting for this.

Torrent (Gillian) (9)

"When all this is over, remind me to retire here."

You carefully search the surrounding area, looking for anything that might suggest a weapon vendor.
After a bit of looking around, you stumble across a place with a big sword logo strapped across its entrance. There's no mistaking that trademark. You make your way in.
There are a few pieces in glass cases around the front of the city, they all seem to be for looks. Although the designs are nice, none of the weapons there look fit for battle of any kind.

You jump over the counter and make your way to the back room.

"Oh, hell yes."

The wall is glistening with sharpened steel. Swords, axes, and many varieties of spears hang on the walls. There are daggers there as well. Long, thin daggers, thick ones that look more like they should be broadswords, and so many more. This place is a goldmine! The coins floating about your head, which you recently forgot about, quiver and buzz as if reacting to your excitement. Or maybe it's the excess of metal in the room. Who knows what goes through the minds of coins... if they have minds, that is.

Ociamarru (Nikolai) (-)

You walk on with the majority of the group, Gabriel keeping up a steady pace in the lead, as usual. Nothing interesting seems to be happening, so test your repulsive talisman against the plant.

The normal flash of light erupts from the medallion as you thrust it against the plant. It goes flying out of your hands and lands in the dirt. Quickly, you go and pick it up, worrying that you may have damaged it.

Of course, it's untouched.

caekdaemon (Anderson) (8)

You discreetly leave the group, following Gillian as he makes his way through town. Better to stick with someone, you figure.
As it turns out, you're right. Gillian finds himself a weapons shop, right next to which is a separate building that you know is a forge. You can already smell the familiar smell of burnt fuel and blazing hot metal, along with the sweat of of those who undoubtedly work there. Grinning to yourself, you make your way inside.

There are several furnaces, as it turns out. A smaller one, and a large one, probably made for long operations and the creation of many weapons at a time. A few weapons are seated at places around the room - mostly knives, spears, and lone spearheads. The smaller forge seems to still be a bit hot. Was someone here recently? Why does the place seem abandoned, then?

CaveCricket (Raphael) (9)

You put away the blade of grass for now.

"Into the town. Be on your guard though, I don't like this."
A few of the group leave, but that doesn't concern you or Gabriel. It seems that you're both used to everyone doing their own thing, by now. You know that if it's really necessary, you can come together and work as a group. The rest of your march forward, into the center of the area.

You slowly ready your longsword, holding it tensely at your side, ready for anything. You reach out into the town with Telepathy, and immediately, you sense a strong aura from the central tower building. If the feeling is this strong, it can't be one person....

"Gabriel. I can sense a lot of people in the main building."

"That's probably why the place seems deserted. I dunno why, but it's likely that the entire populace has gathered there. We should check it out."

You nod in agreement and keep marching.

Tokochiro (Johni) (6)

You focus on getting the vines on your boots to grow thorns as you walk. You manage to get a few small little spikes, but those would hardly do any damage alone. Plus the ones on the sole of your boots get crushed immediately by your walking. You'll have to try and make them stronger.

You can't create a ladder of bodies to the top of the tower yet, because you're not close enough.

Adam (Adam) (9)

"Anybody home? HELLOOOOOO"

There's no response. The town sure seems to be empty.
You wander into a nearby house that looks more interesting than the others.
It seems to be a person's home. All of your average housekeeping is inside. Brooms, cups, a few knives. No, actually - a lot of knives. This place seems to like sharp objects.

There's even food on the table. Fish. Oh, duh. Seaside city. It seems to have been recently prepared, too. It's half finished.
What made these people leave so suddenly?




-Torrent is in the weapons shop
-caekdaemon is in the forge
-Adam is in a random house
-Everyone else is at the entrance to the tower


As the sun sets and the day draws into late afternoon, the party nears the main building.
The entrance is barred heavily; giant wooden doors with steel supports mark the entrance. Voices can be heard inside if one listens closely.

Gabriel scratches his head.
"There's definitely people in there. Question is, what the hell are we supposed to do now?"
"I can smash the door down."
"I don't know if that's the BEST idea. We don't want to startle anyone. But I am curious to find out what's going here."

Last edited by Nighthawk on Thu Jan 12, 2012 9:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:21 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
BEAST SENSES: ACTIVATE! Check out the building, tell others what I'm hearing/smelling/feeling/tasting.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:49 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
> Get a new, nice pair of matching daggers. And an extra backup pair for when I lose these, because if things proceed as they have, I WILL lose them.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 1:54 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
> Use Telepathy to gather a general feeling of what the people are thinking about.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 3:01 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
TorrentHKU wrote:
> Walk up to door and knock hard.
"Travelling monster slayers. There a problem around here?"

Hmm. It seems there is some confusion as to where you are at this moment. You can't knock on the door because you're in the back room of a weapons shop.

Allow me to remedy this with a Locations tab.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 8:54 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
Get to work on forging a new breast plate from the red metal.

Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:43 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
Waiting on Adam and Toko.

Fri Jan 13, 2012 8:21 pm

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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
move to nikolai

Fri Jan 13, 2012 9:49 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
About halfway through the roll, but it's late now, so I'm gonna turn in. I'll have it finished tomorrow, and Adam, if you haven't posted by then, you're just going to stand there like a mentally-impaired person, as always happens when someone misses a roll.

Thu Jan 19, 2012 5:05 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
>Send Cerc into the house to see if he can find something useful, then go to the entrance

Thu Jan 19, 2012 6:42 pm
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #83)
Good lord I wrote so much. Prepare for a lot of reading.

Torrent (Gillian) (-)

You select two matching daggers from the wall, a set of fine steel blades with carefully crafted hilts made of hardy wood and animal skin. Light bounces off of the metallic surfaces as you inspect your new weapons. You also grab another pair, just in case. These two have metal of a slightly darker color, and do not have cross-sections on their holds. Of course, being daggers, they don't really require handguards. They're also strangely light. You spin one dexterously around in your hand, marveling at the weightlessness of the weapon.

Ociamarru (Nikolai) (-) (I'm giving away a lot of free successes, this one mainly because your beast senses are something that's just... there. Or it should be. Sometimes I don't keep very good track of it.)

You close your eyes for a moment and call upon your senses. When you open them, everything seems clearer. Still in a dreamlike state of hightened ability, you turn to Gabriel. You don't know whether it's you or your wolf-counterpart speaking, only that you convey the words with a strange lisp, due to the influence of the beast.
"There are many, many bodies within. I can feel their heat, smell their fear, their sweat, and hear the nervous shuffling and stepping of their feet. There are many. All afraid."

Gabriel looks horror-struck for a moment, then he regains his composure and returns to his usual, grinning self.
"... What are they afraid of? There's nothing here."

caekdaemon (Anderson) [4 + 1 = 5]

Whistling a slow, catchy tune, you get to work. You casually insert much of the red ore into the furnace, and allow it to heat. You slump casually into the chair by the fire, letting the heat of the furnace warm you as well...



You suddenly wake with a start, realizing that you fell asleep in the middle of forging! You glance over to the furnace, where all of your precious ore is contained. You sigh with relief, as the furnace doesn't seem to be hot enough to soften the metal. You'll have to use the heat of the furnace and your Mental Forge ability combined to do that.

CaveCricket (Raphael) (2 + 1 = 3)

You reach out for the feelings of the people inside the building, and immediately, powerful thoughts knock out your concentration. You cannot tell what they are feeling, only that it is a very powerful feeling.

Tokochiro (Johni) (-)

You make your way to where Nikolai is located, at the main building. Most everyone else is gathered there too.

Adam (Adam) (Ceractore = 9)

You brush your hand over Cercatore, and he jumps into life to begin searching the house.
You make your way to the main building.

After a bit of waiting, you see a large... metal plate slowly creeping towards you. What in the...
Then you notice that it's Cercatore, hefting the weight over his tiny body. You rush over and take it from him. It looks like a round shield. That could be useful. Crazy that he dragged it all this way.
You give him a pat on the head and let him rest.





Gabriel finally makes a decision.
"Okay, you know what. We're busting in there. Terry, give me a ha-"
A giant fist impacts with the center of the door, and it bursts open. Terry is quick on the draw.

Suddenly, there are several spears pointing directly at the group.
"Who are you?!" shouts one of the men, wielding a javelin, ready to strike.
Gabriel pipes up quickly.
"Nobody attack! We're just here to see what's going on."
"You're breaking in, that's what's going on!"
Gabriel sighs.
"Look, can we come in? You can keep us at spearpoint the whole time if you want, we just want to know why the whole city has locked itself in a single building."
And he's right. There are countless bodies gathered in the giant structure, and all of them look stricken with fear and worry. Even the soldiers seem shaky holding their spears. The soldier who spoke previously speaks again.
"... You can come. But keep your weapons down."
"I don't want these people any more afraid than they already are."

The doors shut loudly behind the group as they make their way into the wide, circular room.
"What are you hiding from, anyway?"
"I'll tell you in a moment. For now, please follow me to another room."

Gabriel and the others follow, including Terry, who pretty much hogs all the eyes in the room. He doesn't seem to notice, though.

They reach the back room, and everyone takes a seat round the table.
"My name is Gerard. I am the captain of the militia here. And this..." he throws open a scroll on the table. "... is what we're hiding from."
Depicted is a giant shelled creature. The drawing shows tiny people fleeing from it as it wreaks havoc on its surroundings, stirring up waves and crushing buildings on the seashore.
"This creature, from our ancient history. Apparently, it has only shown itself twice since this city was created, hundreds of years ago. Many of our generation had not even heard the horrific tale, and even if we had, none of us believed it. Until now. It appeared just a few days ago and lashed out. You can't see from here, but everything along the shoreline is destroyed. We lost many men to that beast....

So we hide. We hide in our city center and hope that it does not find us. But the fact is, we can't stay here forever. And if that thing attacked, we'd be obliterated anyway.

I'm telling you this because you all look to be warriors. I can tell that fear is not a factor in your lives. But I'm curious...
Why exactly are you here?"

"Actually..." Gabriel begins. "We're looking for this prophecy thing... it's too complicated to explain it all, and I don't really feel like explaining, either. But we're here because we're supposed to be here, and we're looking for something that will point us in the right direction."

"Wait. How many of you are there?" He takes a moment to count, then makes a frustrated face.
"Only 6 people. But the golem...."

"Uh, actually, there are 7 of us and a golem. One of our members is... somewhere. In the city. Probably looting."

Gerard seems to disregard this last comment, and absolutely beams.
"Then you're the ones! This is exactly as was foretold by our forefathers!"
"We, uh... get that a lot?" Gabriel seems to be having fun cracking jokes regarding the fact that they are, in fact, on a prophesied journey.

"We don't have the texts anywhere in here. They're... well, they WERE in the library. It was destroyed when the beast attacked."
"Why would your forefathers build the library so close to the sea?!"
Gerard ignores Gabriel. "It does not matter. What matters is you are here, and you are destined to save our city."

Gabriel sighs and addresses the group.
"Well, guys, looks like we have another nasty beastie to destroy."
"Oh, by the way, Gerard - when do you expect this thing to..."

The ground begins to shake.

"Ugh, the irony! Goddammit!"

Last edited by Nighthawk on Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:07 am
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Post Re: Roll to Dodge - Illusia (Roll #82)
Exit the building, and run for the massive beast. Try and stay out of sight, and don't get close enough for it to flatten me without having to make itself vulnerable to Shadow of the Colossus-ing.

Fri Jan 20, 2012 1:12 am
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