Re: Roll to Dodge - Mecha
Rolling since apparently I haven't in a while.
(Vladimír Shurla) [8]: "I HAVE TROUBLE MOVING FAST. YOU'LL BE GRATEFUL WHEN I'M POUNDING THE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOUR FLIMSY MECHAS."Thud. Thud. Thud. Goodness your mech's walking sounds heavy. You make it up to the top deck, and walk into hell. Everywhere are mechas, guns, and explosions. All of the Exoneration's turrets are firing full tilt at various enemy mechas and air vehicles while the Exoneration's own Mechas hold off boarding parties. And all the while, the huge aircraft carrier keeps barreling forward through the water towards... land? Yes, the ship is moving full speed towards land. And on the land you're barreling towards? A goddamn huge mountain about a mile inland.
Everywhere else is badguys.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Shinboku Scalemail
("Amazigh") [7]: You keep a safe distance behind Vlad as he plods up the ramp, and eventually you make it up.
Holy ♥♥♥♥ there are enemies everywhere! What to shoot first?
- Cyborg Enhancements
-- Shinboku Expansion
--- Direct Mecha Interface
--- Bullettime (+2 to rolls during usage)
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
- Broken Toes (Braced and Splinted)
- Shoeless
(James Argus) [2]:"Vlad could you possibly move your lumbering hunk of metal any slower?"
I HAVE TROUBLE MOVING FAST. YOU'LL BE GRATEFUL WHEN I'M POUNDING THE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOUR FLIMSY MECHAS.Drama queen. Whatever, you run a quick system diagnosis while Vlad and Amazigh walk up the ramp, keeping behind them. Nothing seems wrong, thankfully.
- Sniper expert (+1 when shooting from long range)
- Crutches
- Panic (-1 to actions when in close combat)
- Broken Legs (Anesthetized and splinted, cannot walk)
"What in the ♥♥♥♥ was that?!"PilotAbilities:
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- 9mm Glock
-- 8/18 Rounds
- Sports Watch
- Visitor's Map
(Kaime Freins) [9-3=6]:"I gotta go."
"Be careful now, you're still rather drugged."Somehow you get up fine and walk down to the Mecha Bay in your anesthetic addled stupor. Your new leg functions surprisingly well, too. You can hardly notice the difference, at least while you're all messed up like this.
- Field Medical Kit
- Field Repair Kit
- Roll of Bandages
- Crutch
- Cybernetic Left Leg
- Drugged (-3 to rolls, lasts 1 turns)
(Sargon) [7]:Everyone hurries their asses up, and get outside. You do as well.
Holy ♥♥♥♥ there's a lot of things to shoot up here.
You chug the rest of your Vanilla Coke and get ready to wreck some ♥♥♥♥.
- Empty Coke Can
MechaGame Events: There are dozens of drones and flight mechas in the sky, and more traditional ground based ones are being deployed by small boarding crafts. The collective firepower of the Exoneration is thankfully keeping them at bay. The only threats near the Rollers right now are a group of five UAV fighters flying in for a pass and a boarding party that's managed to slip past the defenders behind the ramp.