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Trickster Security v1.5 - SK-PRR 'Tricky Wall'
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Author:  Djinn [ Wed Jul 23, 2008 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Trickster Security v1.5 - SK-PRR 'Tricky Wall'

I would rather have posted this in mod making, but honestly, it's pretty much done, functionally, so it probably would have been moved.


Just to keep this a quick post (I'll improve it as I release more), this is an automatic base sweeper triggered by enemy movement in the tunnel, and the graphic utterly does not do it justice. Try it out, and please rip it apart. It needs sounds and better effects currently, but it works semi-well.


Once again, placeholder sprites (especially on the fire!) but it's semi functional. Spear L fires left, Spear R fires right, duh. The upside down one isn't targeted yet, haven't had time, but it's a proof of concept. Also it burns stuff real good. Tell me what you think, but I'll be adding stuff regardless as time goes on. New flame sprites, sorta, as well as new glow. Also you can actually destroy them now. Still working on balance. Also they shouldn't break off as often, but if they do it's cause you headbutted the crap out of them rather than accidentally brushing them with a feather.


This one I call the Arrow (for now, all names subject to change) but it looks more like it's shooting lightning. Point is, at the moment there's an down and a up firing one. When placed in hallways along the roof or floor respectively, they are completely flush to the surface and undetectable. The AI will notice em occasionally, but another player will walk right into them. They are indestructible right now, and their only real downside is that they get clogged with corpses and become less useful. Working on more directions, don't worry.



Now that I have a gif, it's pretty self explanatory. Pretty much, for all intents and purposes, it IS a wall as far as the AI is concerned. Only when your dudes walk towards it does it open like that to let you through. No fancy special effects, just old fashioned trickery.

Author:  whitty [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.0 - Gauntlet System

Looks pretty cool, testing now. Comments and such to come.


Ok so:
1. It pwns newbs. Hard.
2. Fix the filepaths (all the filepaths in Guantlet.ini call for Zodiac.rte)

Author:  Roy-G-Biv [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.0 - Gauntlet System

Looks awesome.
Also, Are you ever going to finish the Loki?

Author:  Djinn [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.0 - Gauntlet System

whitty wrote:
2. Fix the filepaths (all the filepaths in Guantlet.ini call for Zodiac.rte)

Bahaha I'm retarded reuploading.

edit: done, hurf durf

Author:  Gotcha! [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.0 - Gauntlet System

Doesn't load. You took dependancies from some Zodiac.rte.

Other than that this looks cool. I made a stationary laser field but a moving one is 10 times more awesome. :)

Edit: Just seen them and I have just one word: Amazing! :shock:

Author:  octyl [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.1 - Gauntlet System

You might want to change the name.

Author:  NickFury666 [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.1 - Gauntlet System

octyl wrote:

I was just about to say that.

Author:  Djinn [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.1 - Gauntlet System

octyl wrote:

Ha, k, but it's just a placeholder name. I'll change it to another placeholder.

Any comments, though? Such as 'you noob why can't we destroy these'?

edit: Fixed

Author:  Foa [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

Will you upload the Loki sentry gate guardian in it, please.

Author:  Djinn [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

Foa wrote:
Will you upload the Loki sentry gate guardian in it, please.

Well, okay, but he's pretty damn dated and his weapons don't work perfectly in this version anymore. I should get on fixing that. If anyone wants to chip in for that, it'll go along somewhat faster.

Author:  Gotcha! [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Base Defence v1.1 - Gauntlet System

Djinn wrote:
Any comments, though? Such as 'you noob why can't we destroy these'?

Well, I can kinda guess why you chose that you can't dig through the roof of these things. :)
And a person calling anyone a 'noob' is usually daft, so I wouldn't worry about that.

Author:  Control [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

VERY nice. Now make vertical shafts of death.

Also, made you a gif, but it's bugged in the preview. Works fine if you click it.

Author:  NeoSeeker [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 12:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

Oh god, the best part about it is how it cleans up after itself because it sweeps.

Now make it harm only enemies and i will love you forever.

Author:  Foa [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

Put a Left and a Right on the same Bunker Module, and you got a cleaning crew.*
* - works well as a doom pit

Now make it harm only enemies and i will love you forever.

It works for any team that places it.

Author:  macattack [ Thu Jul 24, 2008 1:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Trickster Security v1.1 - Gauntlet System

great now I can put this before a bay full of acid and a stair case so my bunker will be invincible. :grin:

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