Data Realms Fan Forums

Gun pack + a statue
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Author:  tosty [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 4:53 am ]
Post subject:  Gun pack + a statue

Hey, i decide to go through some of my first mods and post the (relatively)good ones here.
Then, i decided to make some new ones.


Gause Gun:
My first ACTUAL mod, didn't post cause it was uber.

Hurt Gun:
I made a gun that had exploding shells, clip, and shotgun tracers back in b18. Just got a new sprite from sprite dump.

Today i just made some Uzis with some sprites from the sprite dump.

Crab launcher:
First experimental mod in b19.

Dupe Gun:
Made in b18, fires bullets forwards and back wards.

Whitty Statue:
Got bored and made this after i saw the statue topic.

The guy who made the laser cannon in b18(the gause gun used it as a base)
The sprite dump
some other people on the forums for ideas[quote][/quote]

Some [357.79 KiB]
Downloaded 876 times

Author:  Subiw [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

The UZI looks a tad too big... for "realism" I'd say maybe around, a little bigger than, the size of the vanilla SMG? Also, lengthen the mag a little..

Author:  tosty [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

it is the size of the smg :neutral: ...

But yeah, the mag is a little short, now that you bring it up...

Author:  Lord Tim [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

Maybe if you tweaked the offsets a bit... unless that picture is of the sharp stance.

Also, it's spelt "Gauss".

Author:  Exalion [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

is this all latest build compatible?

looks.. interesting.
whitty statue needs more glows. it is whitty after all.

Author:  Electroclan [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

Next time I see another topic with a deadbeat topic title, I'll lock it.

Descriptive topic titles: "A collection of my mods" or "Gun Pack + Statue", not "sum stuff". Fix it.

Author:  Kigali [ Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

Subiw wrote:
The UZI looks a tad too big... for "realism" I'd say maybe around, a little bigger than, the size of the vanilla SMG? Also, lengthen the mag a little..
In response: have you ever seen an UZI? They're pretty big guns. Now there are the mini-UZI and the micro-UZI which are admitably smaller ,but the vanilla UZI is a large bulky box of a gun.

On topic: I'm liking this pack. Mainly the statue, it's epic, and we need more of them, more decor around the base. I have that objects mod, but there needs to be more options.

I'm going to make windows.

Author:  Subiw [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some Stuff

Apologies. I was basing my comments off the micro-UZI, not the larger 47-centimeter model.

Author:  tosty [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Ok, title changed.

Also, I WILL MAKE 2 STATUES FOR THE NEXT 2 MODERS TO POST.(so only the people that deserve one get one)

Request Format:
Name on statue:
Type:(small breakable object or statue)
Special:(Such as the emitters on whittys)
Object/Shape:(whittys is a dummy in a pose, you may also ask for an actor in a pose OR just an object)

Will fix spelling when i update. I also have my first trial at a actor gun(that was made befor grif's) that didn't work 'cause i was using the dummy and its missing the 'Team = 0' variable, it works now.

Author:  TrouserDemon [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

I think breakable object.
Breaksound is manic laughter, and glow designed to look like a fluttering spirit.
An Urn, full of ashes, with TD engraved on it.
Smash urn, get ashes, pale white glow flies away, manic laughter heard.

Alternative is a pair of trousers, on fire, as a statue, with a plaque saying TD attached to it.

Author:  Sixteen [ Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Name on statue: Sixteen
Special:When breaks, go to next number, down to 0

Author:  Jox =3 [ Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Name on statue: Nova
Type: Statue
Special: Emmit smoke
Object/Shape: A big, combinologic structure with some smoke-emmiting holes

Author:  Thoughtprocess [ Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Name on statue: Cube
Type: Quite invincible, but also deformable statue
Special: none
Object: Companion cube.

You know you want to.

Author:  Mombasa [ Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Hmm, I wonder where I've seen that statue base and nameplate before?


Some credit for the original sprite you edited would have been nice...

Author:  tosty [ Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gun pack + a statue

Yeah, TD and 16 will be getting the statues.
Also, will add credit when i update.

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