Data Realms Fan Forums

Bunch o' mods located in my CC folder...
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Author:  Shook [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Bunch o' mods located in my CC folder...

NOTE! None of these are mine, NONE. I'm posting them in case someone
is missing them or whatever. Here we go!

Edit: Crap, i'm going to have to make a second post if i am to post all the mods :/

Amrobics.rte.rar [4.61 MiB]
Downloaded 408 times
BigCrab.rte.rar [16.34 KiB]
Downloaded 401 times
File comment: !Possibly not up to date!
DarKloneTech.rte.rar [3.62 MiB]
Downloaded 378 times
Diamond.rte.rar [54.33 KiB]
Downloaded 365 times
DMac.rte.rar [26.16 KiB]
Downloaded 335 times
D-Pack.rte.rar [6.51 KiB]
Downloaded 359 times
Ion Weaponry.rte.rar [249.19 KiB]
Downloaded 370 times
JArmsGrunt.rte.rar [727.83 KiB]
Downloaded 359 times
kyaflr.rte.rar [124.67 KiB]
Downloaded 329 times
kyaSG.rte.rar [70.73 KiB]
Downloaded 330 times
kyasniper.rte.rar [60.16 KiB]
Downloaded 321 times
LPSC.rte.rar [165.62 KiB]
Downloaded 332 times
Massive Clone.rte.rar [93.37 KiB]
Downloaded 387 times
MPAM.rte.rar [660.07 KiB]
Downloaded 369 times
MPAM Weapons.rte.rar [2.85 MiB]
Downloaded 428 times

Author:  Shook [ Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Bunch o' mods located in my CC folder...

Sorry about the double post -.-

Pheonix.rte.rar [977.34 KiB]
Downloaded 356 times
Plasma Weaponry.rte.rar [70.35 KiB]
Downloaded 312 times
Processor.rte.rar [16.44 KiB]
Downloaded 329 times
Reaper Factory.rte.rar [1.15 MiB]
Downloaded 368 times
Space.rte.rar [209.41 KiB]
Downloaded 352 times
Spout.rte.rar [1.56 KiB]
Downloaded 316 times
Tempest.rte.rar [299.2 KiB]
Downloaded 335 times
AALbombs.rte.rar [6.28 MiB]
Downloaded 316 times
AALCruiser.rte.rar [996.84 KiB]
Downloaded 335 times
AALRocket.rte.rar [110.96 KiB]
Downloaded 335 times

Author:  Ragdollmaster [ Tue Feb 26, 2008 12:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Bunch o' mods located in my CC folder...

:D thanks for these shook, some of my favorite are among these for B20.

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