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 ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR- 
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Post ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
OK.... This is the Ao2 mod I made....

It is basically just a re-sprite of the Heavy Soldier
But the Mask and Chest Plate can take more damage.

Here are some pics...

[The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
[The extension bmp has been deactivated and can no longer be displayed.]
AoT.rte.rar [1.03 MiB]
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Wed May 28, 2008 2:00 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
it's a basic resprite so what do you expect? no DL but since this looks like your first mod its not a big deal. Try to make a weapon next, then move your quality up from there.

*Edit* (dl'd and tested)

Last edited by alaifain on Wed May 28, 2008 2:53 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed May 28, 2008 2:14 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
It's not really bad, I like it. The problem is, "resprites" aren't really appreciated on these forums, even though almost all actors are "resprites" with slight variable changes.

Aside from what alaifain says, the quality isn't too bad at all.

Goodluck with your future endeavers.

Wed May 28, 2008 2:40 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
jack's post compelled me to check it out, and i have to say it's really not as bad as i first thought. but, the chestpiece seems a bit weak to me, and i can't get the facemask to gib off, his head just explodes.

Wed May 28, 2008 2:53 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Mask needs a design. The flames, the skull, SOMETHING.

Boring gray mask is no fun at all.

Wed May 28, 2008 3:09 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Also uploading .bmps as attachments is kind of frowned upon.

Wed May 28, 2008 3:30 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Thanks, I didn't have enough heavy soliders.

Wed May 28, 2008 6:11 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Looks pretty good, but yeah, mask needs a design.
You could include multiple and allow people to choose which they want.

God that game is fun...

Wed May 28, 2008 7:32 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Control wrote:
Mask needs a design. The flames, the skull, SOMETHING.

Boring gray mask is no fun at all.

I must concur. The masks need something. I mean the Army of Two masks were epic because of the skulls which do not exist on your masks. Also you should make these units 1) strong as at least a medium darklone, & 2) damn expensive. I have no problem with resprites but I do have a problem with mods that don't live up to their names.

Wed May 28, 2008 10:04 pm
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
seeing as this is getting some resprite comments, I am wondering if I should post my coalition elite which is a very obvious resprite, and it only has a completely revamped head and leg armour, as well as a little tweaking on the stats to balance it out. I know if I post it I will get some "resprites suck" criticisms but it is one of my favorite actors because it is really just a resprite and it feels as good to play with as the other coalition, but at the same time is stronger and better armed.
So should I post or not?

Sorry to hijack topic... just seemed like it kinda had similar treatment as what I'd expect if I posted...

Wed May 28, 2008 11:02 pm
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
i think you should post it. It's not like resprites are always a bad thing, they just have a bad reputation here i guess. Not all resprites are half baked attempts.

*oh the hypocrisy*

Thu May 29, 2008 12:12 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Maybe there should just be a thread for resprites. I know that doesn't really encourage full mods, but I truthfully like to see what people can whip up artistically without having to worry about coding some dynamic new gamepaly device all the time.

And Aspect, from what you describe you've got something tweaked enough to be thread worthy.

Thu May 29, 2008 4:57 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
thanks for the responses and I guess I'll post it, but a thread for that kind of thing would for sure be used, and might encourage more people to publish what they've got, and also maybe get more people into modding.
I guess I'll post it this weekend, but I'm kinda busy until then...

Thu May 29, 2008 7:04 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
This doesnt seem to be a great mod. But I have some crazy ideas that could make it better.
1. This isnt so crazy. Amp up the sprites.
2. I don't know if this could work. But you could place an emitter that slowly, over time, lowered your gold. After all, they are mercenaries!

Sorry if this isn't productive. But you could get far with this mod.

Fri May 30, 2008 2:18 am
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Post Re: ..:'Army of Two':.. -ACTOR-
Cameron wrote:
2. I don't know if this could work. But you could place an emitter that slowly, over time, lowered your gold. After all, they are mercenaries!

I doubt it would work, why the hell would you want that anyway?

Fri May 30, 2008 3:11 am
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