Data Realms Fan Forums

WW1 Medic
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Author:  Joseh123 [ Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  WW1 Medic

So, many people might know this game, but some may not. So yeah, here you go.
Download here.
So, you are a medic in World War 1. You are in a trench, ahead of you is a No Man's Land in which artillery rounds are being fired at, not to mention mustard gas and airplane's close support. Ahead of this No Man's Land there is a German trench. They also have a German medic, and you must outperform him.
So here's a gameplay video.

Holy ♥♥♥♥ that song matches so much with the game
And some readme.txt text.

Remember, if your side charges, press space and never get up again.

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