Data Realms Fan Forums

Starship Corporation
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Author:  caekdaemon [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:06 am ]
Post subject:  Starship Corporation

Starship Corporation is a ship design and management game, with a very nice art style. It's still in a kickstarter, but has met the funding requirements. Anyhow, I can't be bothered too much with typing right now, but wait, videos!

I think the boarding action in game looks very, very nice indeed. Of course, most of that was CGI, but still :D

Basically, you design ships for varying companies, test them in simulations and such. You can design the interior to any way you like. I actually supported this game in its funding, and forgot to put a mention to it on here.

Author:  FoiL [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 9:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Starship Corporation

Oh god, I need this game. That bit with the artillery barrage was amazing.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Tue Aug 21, 2012 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starship Corporation

Wow. I forgot to put a link to it's Indiegogo.

Oh, and the missions the player's ship can go on.


Author:  Azakan [ Wed Aug 22, 2012 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starship Corporation

Thank you for linking this, I'm actually have been writing a swedish pen n' paper RPG for the last 5years and this looks just like it :D.

Gonna take the 50$ one as the dollar is so cheap for me.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Wed Aug 22, 2012 7:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Starship Corporation

This looks promising, not enough to back it, but I'll be keeping an eye on it myself.

Thanks Caek.

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