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Author:  Fail Flail [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Firefall


Copy pasta
The Arclight was going to be the greatest single leap in the history of technology – a starship that could fold space and turn the eight-year voyage to Alpha Prime colony into a stroll around the block.

Instead, in a vast and tragic dazzle of light, the Arclight broke in half and fell to Earth near Fortaleza, Brazil.

How the anti-technology commentators gloried in that fall! On and on they spoke of Prometheus, of Lucifer, of the Tower of Babel, of the hubris at the heart of Greek tragedy.

The most famous words came from a Brazilian newsman at the scene: “Construímos uma lâmpada de esperança, mas ela é morta, a luz apagada, a esperança quebrada.” (“We created a lamp of hope, but it has died; the light is out, the hope is broken.”)

But we are the people who had already endured the devastation of the Crystite meteor swarm. Three-fourths of humanity was destroyed – but we took the Crystite and turned it into a nearly miraculous source of energy. It was Crystite that took us to the stars in the first place – Crystite, which came from the stars and nearly destroyed us.

The Arclight broke, the Arclight fell, but we are not broken, we will not fall or fail. We will learn why spacetime, instead of folding, tore open; we will revise our plans and build again, and better next time; and we will stay alive long enough to do all this.

The real danger is not the strange and terrible thing that came through that rip in spacetime. The danger is that we might despair and cease to strive. For in that day we would cease to be human, and turn into another batch of dinosaurs, who failed to adapt and so became extinct.

Why am I posting this? I just got beta access, and I got bored while I was waiting for the last 100mb to finish downloading. While I won't be able to play it tonight, this is all I'll be doing tomorrow and in roughly 24\28 hours I'll just dump a huge post about the game play, probably tons of screenshots, idk, I'm just really excited, I've been waiting religiously for months to get into this beta :D

Anywhom, I'll dump a link for the games site here
Aaaaand I'll be off, oh that's right, I'll roll later. さようなら!

EDIT: and I accidentally posted this in forum games *derp*, off to a great start.

Author:  CrazyMLC [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall


Most betas have some sort of non-disclosure agreement, you probably shouldn't go posting details unless you think it's safe.

Author:  helifreak [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

CrazyMLC wrote:

Most betas have some sort of non-disclosure agreement, you probably shouldn't go posting details unless you think it's safe.

NDA was lifted months ago, around the same time PAX was on.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Thu Aug 16, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Yep, he can post crap now.
Also I hate you you lucky bastard I want to play Firefall so bad.

Author:  Fail Flail [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 12:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Alright, lets get this started then.
DAY: 1
Spoilered for largeness

A new day dawns with a beautiful sunrise over Copacabana, I'm running this on medium\high graphics but there are two higher settings above this.

2 things to note, Firstly lots of signs and decals are high-res (such as this one), secondly I picked a female character because of the small amount of customisation options, and if I had to play as the stereotypical tough guy, or a girl, I'd pick the girl. (That plus the fact I'll have to stare at their behind for extended periods of time)

FPS view! It's well executed and 100% functional, but personally I prefer third person.

Here's a thumper shot, I tried to get some better shots, but I'm fairly sure the screenshot button only worked 50% of the time.

Here's a pretty jungle shot, the environments are really varied so far, I've seen waste lands, ruins, grass plains and giant skeletons landscapes.

Sunken harbour! this is the place all the pvp supposedly takes place at, I haven't participated in any yet, I'll probably try it once then go back the thumping the landscape so hard it gets pregnant and makes baby landscapes. On that note I'll be making a guil- oh sorry, I meant 'army' soon, any names come to mind other than Gungnir Industries?

Oh, forgot about this shot, night fights are awesome, the only illumination comming from your torches, flood lights ontop of the thumper aaannndd

Flares! They look so cool it should be nerfed. You'd think I'm joking but i'm not, as soon you throw one down the whole fight gets around a full 20% cooler, OP as hell.

Here you can see the beautiful landscape, some melding and a clear example of why a female character is better suited for long periods of play.

So a high tier (no lvls, only tiers) groups was looking for one more member for their group so they could do something called 'Meldthumping', and essentially thats what it is, they thump right next to the meld for quality crysite, tons of exp and because its fun to be raped by the environment sometimes. How so? Well...

What you can see here is a thumper returning to orbit, which we unfortunately had to send back only 50% full. Behind it is a Meld Tornado. Yes that liquid death that is the meld sometimes goes "♥♥♥♥ it" and takes joy rides around the habitable world. Inside of which are concentrated crystals that can be destroyed (with great difficulty) for glorious, glorious loot.(Also, you can see the nose of the Ark-Light to the left, looks awesome

(When I took this some of the textures were still loading) Eventually made my way to this place, some trading centre with lots of glowing lights and not much else other than one or two missions, can't wait till they pump out more content.

So, anything in particular you guys want to see? I might get fraps and make a vid or two...

Author:  TheKebbit [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

i have a question

how does your character's armor protect them from anything

she is literally wearing underwear in combat

it's not even uncomfortable metal underwear either

Author:  Joseh123 [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Copacabana is that big place in Rio de Janeiro. Lol. Anyway, that underwear must be made to attract fapping kids. No, that does not work with me.

Author:  TheKebbit [ Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

in the grim future of mutant Firefall phlebotinum, there is neither basic equipment nor sanity

Author:  Duh102 [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

On the internet, nobody can hear you fap.
That's why she's in her undermetalwear.

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Energy Shield armor.
ANYWAY, got a beta key. Combat is <3, but new Battleframes are balls-hard to get. Uguu~

Author:  Joseh123 [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Duh102 wrote:
On the internet, nobody can hear you fap.
That's why she's in her undermetalwear.

One time I heard some "fap fap fap" from my friend on Skype. It was weird, I just disconnected and told him my computer turned off.

Author:  Barnox [ Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Been following this for quite a while, sadly didn't get a key.
If anyone ends up with a spare, feel like passing it along?

Author:  TorrentHKU [ Sun Aug 19, 2012 7:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Finally got Tier 2 armor and it turns out that until you upgrade it it's worse than your Tier 1 armor! Yay.
Anyway, Fail Flail what's your ingame name and have you made an Army yet? If not then let's get on that.

Author:  Fail Flail [ Mon Aug 20, 2012 7:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

I don't think armies are available yet, but I'll look a bit more into that, my name atm is CharlotteFlail, I'm thinking of making an entirely new character though.

Author:  helifreak [ Sat Aug 25, 2012 2:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Firefall

Anyone want beta?

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