Data Realms Fan Forums

Ace of Spades
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Author:  Joseh123 [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Ace of Spades

The game that made my day/month/year:

It is a game that... I'm just going to Ctrl + C everything from the website.

Build anything – defensive positions to fortresses

Destroy enemy structures, dropping opponents to their death

Use your spade to dig through terrain – make trenches or tunnels

Massive maps with lakes, rivers and tunnels

Realistic rifle, shotgun and SMG including ironsights and recoil

Dynamic lighting system based on ambient occlusion

Up to 32 players battling simultaneously

CTF or Territory Control game modes

And if you want to know if your computer can run it... Here you go, the system requirements from the website itself:
System Requirements:

Your grandmother’s rig can run this game

The game isn't finished yet, but they are already working on version 1.0. It seems like it will give us some good things, like bullet falloff, a RPG, a deploy-and-shoot machine gun, and stuff like that. The game is free, and to play it, you have to go here, and click on a server's name. Watch the ping and the player slots. The game website is over here, and the download link, over here..
My username is still Joseh123. If you want to change the resolution in-game or something like that, just open the config.ini file inside your game folder. You can also change controls in controls.ini, but that is a little complicated. Everything is explained inside the .ini, though.

Author:  Natti [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace of Spades

Author:  Joseh123 [ Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace of Spades

Oh my God, I am so sorry... Is there anyway someone could delete this topic or at least lock it? Sorry, I already had searched like... 3 pages of this forum and never saw that topic. That topic is kind of old though. I wouldn't like to bump it. But if I knew it was there, I wouldn't have created this though.

Author:  Miggles [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace of Spades

It's better to bump an old topic than make a new one.

Author:  Duh102 [ Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ace of Spades

Have a nice day~

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