Data Realms Fan Forums

Gamersgate Indiefort Bundle
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Author:  LordVonKain [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:05 am ]
Post subject:  Gamersgate Indiefort Bundle

2 Days left (Rather late on this D:)

Cardinal Quest
Black Market
Wanderlust rebirth
devil Whiskey
Steel Storm burning Retribution

now i haven't played any of these games but i was looking at Kenshi and black market, Before inoticed this and considering it's £3.99, i bought it straight off. (with blue coins)

I'll most likely Edit this post later when i get around to playing them (it's 3am here and i got Job club tomorrow, cause im a naughty boy and should be in bed... 2 hours ago.)
considering the games in total would normally cost 40+ i say it way worth it, stupidly i should had raised the price to around 20 quid and bought it but i totally decide to be a cheap bastard for once.

Anywho, thought i should post this.

Author:  Barnox [ Tue Apr 10, 2012 5:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Gamersgate Indiefort Bundle

Kenshi is looking good. It'll be interesting to see where they go with it, as it is currently "Draw bandits into guards, loot them naked and make sure to kill the dying ones".

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