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Xbox 360 RROD help
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Author:  WalkableBuffalo [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 5:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Xbox 360 RROD help

Has anyone experienced any of the Red Rings of Death on the Xbox 360 and fixed it themselves? I've had it once before and sent it to Microsoft but of course now my warranty has expired and I am prepared to open it.
I'm fairly sure not to touch the oven, freezer, or towels to fix it. But if anyone has an good tutorials or guides that they used (and worked) it'd be much appreciated.
I have been thinking of going down the road of securing the X-clamps with some screws and washers, if anyone is familiar with it's guts.

Author:  Dauss [ Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Xbox 360 RROD help

A friend of mine used the towel trick, and it DID work, but it won't work forever and then it's probably even more damaged and a pain in the ass to repair.

Just check your local online classifieds. Anyone who advertises the ability to modify consoles is also likely to provide repair services for a fraction of Microsofts repair fee.

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