Data Realms Fan Forums

The Spring Project
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Author:  Major [ Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:37 am ]
Post subject:  The Spring Project

This is a pretty amazing free RTS engine with a massive amount of Games and Mods, as well as being (relatively) easy to create Games on, or so I've heard. There is a kinda small online ranked community and a heap of dedicated servers. You guys should come and play online. The AI is still not the best, so single player is more to test out unit combinations and strategies.

Is the main site, which has become quite polished over the years, and has forums and stuff.

Download the Spring Engine and Game Lobby Here:
The Game Lobby is awesome 'cause it includes a downloader as well as server browsing and single player missions, so you can find a server, automatically download the Game and map, say hi nd start playing.

The main game is Balanced Annihilation and Zero-K. Both games have simple economies and easy to pick up gameplay, but the game is still strategically interesting as players expand into fusion generation and wreckage reclamation in order to stay top dog.

So, come and have some fun.

TERRIBLE quality.

Old video, but demonstrates quite well, except the glitches don't happen at all anymore.

PS, before you tell me to go search for the old thread, I already found it. It is more than a year old and was a terrible thread.

Author:  Duh102 [ Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Spring Project

NOTA is the best, in my opinion. It encourages huge battles, which is something lacking in other games.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Spring Project

Oh god this. I played this before Supreme Commander was out. Then when Supreme Commander came out, I disappeared off the face of the site.

Still playing SC.

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