Data Realms Fan Forums

Love the MMORPGRTSFPS, not lua love, and not literal love.
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Author:  alphagamer774 [ Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Love the MMORPGRTSFPS, not lua love, and not literal love.

Discus? Do we get to throw things around?

Looks kewl, but I prolly won't play it.

Author:  Azakan [ Sun Mar 27, 2011 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Love the MMORPGRTSFPS, not lua love, and not literal love.

The grief is strong in this one.

Though I think it might be good if the pull it of somewhat okey, and let people DIG! Internet loves to DIG!

Author:  Amazigh [ Sun Mar 27, 2011 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Love the MMORPGRTSFPS, not lua love, and not literal love.

Played it when it first came out, was fun for a few weeks but then after I'd tried everything once I got bored and didn't really feel inclined to keep playing, given that there isn't really any goal.
In my experience griefing can be a SERIOUS problem, one person can easily wipe out an entire base in a few minutes if they know what they're doing, I know this from Personal experience.
Also Bases end up crowded and confusing after a while and then not too long after that they tend to get destroyed by mobs, because no-one knows where to find THAT ONE TOOL they need.

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