Dwarf Fortress Adventure Succession Game
Just like a Fortress mode succession, but instead of being an omnipotent overlord with multiple personalities, we're some random adventurer!
Some general rules to start out:
-This game will use the latest version of DF (31.19).
-There will not be a set "player turn list". To say that you are going to take the next turn, just say "Declare" (like the picture wars thread).
-Each player has a maximum of two hours to take their turn.
-When you repost the save, write some sort of summary or log to describe what happened.
-Wait for at least two other people to go before taking another turn.
-Don't try to get our adventurer killed by commiting stupid or scuicidal acts.
-Companions will be named after forum members.
I modified the game slightly to make all civs build cities, therefore you can actually do things like commiting elven genocide.
(This mod is far from perfect, as goblins seem to always die out in the first 5 years. If anyone wants to tweak the raw files and give me a better version, I would greatly appriciate it.)
Without further delay, I present to you our world:
Nitharadefini, The Future Dimension!
Now, we just need an adventurer. Anyone have any suggestions of who they will be, what weapon they will use, and where they will start their adventure?