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Mass Effect 3
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Author:  Joe [ Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Mass Effect 3

h0lY $#!t!!!!!
So what do y'all think?

Author:  MrC121989 [ Sat Dec 25, 2010 7:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

I think it will kick major ass like its predecessors did!
In other words- can't wait!

My thoughts are (judging from the trailer) is that Shepard knows that reapers already started the attack but haven't found a solution to stop them yet, and working against time.

Author:  Mingebag7 [ Sun Dec 26, 2010 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

What I'm thinking is: I want this game. And my computer is seriously too fricking old, I need a new computer too.

Author:  paco [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

I just got mass effect 2, four days ago and have already put 10+ hours on it and cant wait for mass effect 3

Author:  Joe [ Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

paco wrote:
10+ hours

It takes ~= 190 hrs. to play it all the way out, NOT INCLUDING DLC. Have fun bro!

Author:  Kallemort [ Tue Dec 28, 2010 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Joe wrote:
paco wrote:
10+ hours

It takes ~= 190 hrs. to play it all the way out, NOT INCLUDING DLC. Have fun bro!

Maybe if you want to 100% scan every single planet, which is not necessary and in fact is kinda stupid
One playthrough takes me around ~30hrs, if on Insanity you can add 10-15 hours.

Author:  Contrary [ Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

My dad bought Mass Effect 1 a couple years ago but I never got around to playing it.

Author:  jennifer [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Friends will you tell me is this game available for pc and compatible with windows 7?

User was banned for being a spambot. -Duh

Author:  MrC121989 [ Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Both, the first and the second is available on PC and compatible with windows 7

Author:  alphagamer774 [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Kallemort wrote:
Joe wrote:
paco wrote:
10+ hours

It takes ~= 190 hrs. to play it all the way out, NOT INCLUDING DLC. Have fun bro!

Maybe if you want to 100% scan every single planet, which is not necessary and in fact is kinda stupid
One playthrough takes me around ~30hrs, if on Insanity you can add 10-15 hours.

Just beat it. ♥♥♥♥. What an experience, let me tell you. 24:56, but that was on normal.

I went into this expecting something similar to Too Human. I didn't play ME1 when it came out, so I can't really go back now and enjoy what it did for the genre, so much of my enjoyment comes from those factors that would have seemed old or rehashed from the first game. I played a female soldier, and was pleasantly surprised that there's different things that happen with different events. Like the recruiter who hits on you if you're female, and you get the "Renegade/Bold move" option when he does. I also like how the dialog is slow paced, so that each decision isn't forced on you. You never really have to make a spot decision in regular dialog, with two notable exceptions. I also liked how that was superimposed with the snap-reaction moments when you're forced to decide to react or not, or how to handle a situation, when the prompts come up. You don't get any warning, and you don't get any setup, but I always found that whichever I picked, I could always be satisfied with the way it played out. Especially with the dialog, even though the choices are written quite short, Shepard will always find a way to word it well. Tough decisions can almost always be backed out of for more time to contemplate (again with two notable exceptions), and you always felt like the consequences were a result of your decision. Combat was fun and felt like Gears, and I was never too tight on ammo. A little more would have helped, but oh well. I was a soldier, and I used the Visor for headshot damage and the ammo pack for more ammo (durr). Went mostly Heroic (forget what they're called), with a bit of Evil with it.

SPOLIERS HERE ON DOWN-------------------------------

I was pissed off at two points. When you first enter the collecter ship, you come upon a cache of super-weapons you can perma-bind. Then it told you you could only pick one, and gave no good description on them. Minor inconvinence, since you can ususally get them later for various crew members through specific upgrades. The second, and prehaps the more purposeful time, was when the illusive man asks you to spare the collecter technology for cerberus to collect. That decision, although expected and heavily foreshadowed, was really sudden, and you don't really understand the consequences until you get off. I build relationships with Garreth, Kelly (Who's a ladylike[EDIT: Why is that censored as ladylike?] and will ♥♥♥♥ you no matter what), and Jack. Had sex with Garreth, mostly because he's the coolest. I ususally used Grunt and Jack or Garreth for missions, but my fallback during the final sequence was Legion. Gonna go replay it and go BADASS this time.

Author:  MrC121989 [ Tue Jan 04, 2011 10:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Soldier - that's one of the easiest class to play, i prefere vanguard that's the combat biotic type i also like infiltrator; anyways i played as vanguard on hard or the next difficulty cant remember right now, i was battling for half an hour if not more in one room on the Omega on Mordin recruitment quest, there was lots of Vorchas some of them with flamers, there were those dogs and a few krogans and Blue Suns guys who got owned instantly, ♥♥♥♥, spend all my ammo in that room, and starting fighting using only biotic powers that was one hell of a fight.
BTW renegade Shepard owns, its just so hillarious to watch him speak and do all those things.
BTW#2 if you play game on hard or higher difficulty you can get Geth assault rifle in the end of Tali recruitment mission.

Author:  MaximDude [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Didn't like the fact they simplified it so much compared to the first, though I did enjoy the game.
Looking forward for the third one. Judging by the final cutscene there should be some fukken' epic ass kicking.

BioWare do not disappoint me.

Author:  alphagamer774 [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 9:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

I know. I just saw the levelup screen for the old game, and man I wish it was like that. Oh well, it's still a fantastic game.

Though there's not much else to do other than campaign. It's not like other games where you can just mess around, You're confined to the story. You can't go explore planets, either.

Still, it's fantastic.

Author:  Areku [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Ah, ME2 is downright my favourite shooter/RPG/dating sim ever. I mean, holy shamolie, I'd never felt so much like Captain Kirk in my entire life. And really, the replay value is just downright absurd, since each character class makes gameplay feel totally different. Even though I can't watch the video (lousy 56k internets =_="), I'm as excited as a giddy schoolgirl about the third game.

EDIT: Also, the best moment in the game is, hands down, when you find the lone mercenary during Thane's recruitment mission. I just couldn't help but yell "You ready to fly, Pupa?!" when choosing the Renegade dialog option. :P

EDITEDIT: And of course, bringing Legion when looking for Tali. Or even better, aboard the Migrant Fleet.

Author:  caekdaemon [ Wed Jan 05, 2011 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mass Effect 3

Areku wrote:
EDITEDIT: And of course, bringing Legion when looking for Tali. Or even better, aboard the Migrant Fleet.

That was fun that was. Hilarious too.

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