It's not really cool dude apples for me to hork my own games around on here, when I'm being paid to support this game/community.
But I figure this little game is allright since it's lame enough.
SpaceSquid is a game that I named before I had figured out the game mechanics. Pro tip: name the game later.
It's also my first flash game, so it was mostly a test to see what I could get done. It has resulted in me gaining $0, but starting from scratch it only took me 30 days to complete. I finished it several months ago, and did all the art myself: world appendix makes localized high score tables)
I think a lot of fun in games can be discovery, so SPOILER:
you get points for getting starfish with your feet; you don't get points but can still win if you get them with your face. Yellow stars are hints for where the next star will be. There are 20 levels; as you progress you are required to jump out of the water more often. Easy mode goes slower and the controls are less sensitive. Pro mode is really touch controls with a smaller, faster squid. Aliens mode is a different gameplay style. Some levels feel impossible and the difficulty curve isn't graded properly, but none are actually impossible.
PLZ RATE 1-10 LAFE STYLE because that is an awesome thing to do