Data Realms Fan Forums

Doom RL
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Author:  findude [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Doom RL

Remember the good old times when games were games and men were men.
Like, you know, Doom.

Good. Go back a good while of time. - Your hero is represented with a @. Sound familiar?

Doom, the Roguelike

Doom, but as a roguelike. Wat.

It can be hard. Ocassionally it can be fun.
It's got ascii blood. What more could you want?
But mostly it just kicks you in the balls.


Author:  Foa [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doom RL

Saw this a few days ago, and lol, no mac support.
It usually goes PC version, then Mac, then Linux!

Author:  findude [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Doom RL

Foa wrote:
Saw this a few days ago, and lol, no mac support.
It usually goes PC version, then Mac, then Linux!

Foa wrote:
Saw this a few days ago, and lol, no mac support.

Foa wrote:
lol, no mac

Foa wrote:

-lol, mac
Be nice. -D

The game is very doomy and roguelikey.
You get many guns that go dakka and pew,
but theres also randomly handed superdakkapew guns.
Your attack strength and health and time it takes to act are
all determined by traits you choose and level.

Oh and yeah. It's difficult.

Author:  Roon3 [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doom RL

I play this every now and then. I'm terrible at it, best I've gotten to was floor three four.

Author:  findude [ Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Doom RL

It tends to be pretty luck-based and, well, hard.
But mostly it just punishes 110% for all of your little mistakes,
not reloading and not runnign when you should.

I get around lvl 9 or so on medium, a bit less on hard.

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