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Mission Mode Restrictions
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Author:  Aspect [ Fri Aug 26, 2011 7:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Mission Mode Restrictions

I created a scene with a custom script. My game mode (Assault) shows up ok in the drop down scenario menu. But when I select it from the drop down menu, it shows every scene, not only the one that is compatible with my script (eg has the correct areas).
What I want is to hide the incompatible ones so it doesn't have the crash risk.
function AssaultMission:SceneTest()

I copied this code from the vanilla missions, I thought it was supposed to run through the scene to see whether it has the required areas.
Am I missing some code?

Author:  Abdul Alhazred [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mission Mode Restrictions

Making your scenes appear in the Scenario menu

Author:  Aspect [ Sun Aug 28, 2011 8:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mission Mode Restrictions

oh please, if you are going to help, then actually say something.
I've already looked at the sticky. This is not the problem. My scene shows up, but all the other scenes show up as well under my gamemode.

Author:  weegee [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mission Mode Restrictions

You can add some custom area to your scene, called something like MySuperMissionUniqueArea and then request it from your mission script with:
self.Zone = SceneMan.Scene:GetArea("MySuperMissionUniqueArea");

CC will notice that your mission depends on that area and won't offer any other scenes to play with your activity.

Author:  Abdul Alhazred [ Mon Aug 29, 2011 7:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mission Mode Restrictions

Aspect wrote:
oh please, if you are going to help, then actually say something.
I've already looked at the sticky. This is not the problem. My scene shows up, but all the other scenes show up as well under my gamemode.

What? This is a quote from the sticky:
TheLastBanana wrote:
The way the game determines if a scene is compatible with an activity is by scanning through the activity's Lua script and finding any calls to SceneMan:GetArea. It determines what area the script is looking for, then only shows scenes with those areas.

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