Data Realms Fan Forums

newbie questions, scene making,
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Author:  thaineale [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 9:41 am ]
Post subject:  newbie questions, scene making,

having bought the game yesterday :) I tried out the scene editor, for a scenario (dummy base assault) I needed to use the dummy actors, weapons. how do i get them in the scene editor?
i read the other posts about this but they were a bit confusing :???: .
could someone explain how to do this? thanks in advance...
also where do I put scenes? just into c:/programfiles/datarealms/cortexcommand?

Author:  Geti [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: newbie questions, scene making,

when you're creating a new scene, pick "create in: dummies.rte"
the scene will put itself where it's meant to go.
you should try to get a better understanding of how modding works before doing that though.

Author:  thaineale [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: newbie questions, scene making,

thank you. where do i put the Activities file for the meleemaster mod? i worked out that thats what you need to make the AI spawn with the MM things, but I don't know where to put it!

Author:  dutchsmoker [ Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: newbie questions, scene making,

i'm a newb when it comes to activities.ini though i think you only have to load it in a index.ini and make sure you only load one at a time(first that gets loaded is being used) , so you got to disable the default one, if i'm correct
also the wiki can help you,

as for actors etc inside the scene editor ive made a little mod that adds Coalition, Dummy and Ronin to the scene editor , only backside is factions not having faction icon
uninstall info is inside base.rte/index.ini just in case
it's untested though should work just fine as long as you didnt edit base.rte/index.ini yourself

Sceneedit.rar [1.27 KiB]
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