Data Realms Fan Forums

A Lua map with masks on buildings
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Author:  Stophe [ Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  A Lua map with masks on buildings


I worked for some time on this map, but i'm too busy to continue - for now. So I give it away, just in case someone wants this kind of stuff:

It's the same terrain as "Mission Assassination", I put a building on the far east end; when you begin the game you can't see inside, then when you enter it a script removes the wall sprites and pops up actors and stairs; except for a wall that stays in place and actors can walk behind it -- you'll see.

I tried to comment it out as much as I could, but feel free to ask any questions.

My current problems are:
- I haven't finished the "quest" , so the underground bit is totally useless and unreachable.
- I can't make the texts stick to the screen, they just pop and disappear instantly. Odd.

- To enter you must put jamming devices on top and in front of the building doors.
- The stairs inside the building are actually invisible, then I put a sprite in front of it - so lame, but I don't if it's possible to add TerrainObjects ingame?

- TheLastBanana for the original of the original scene.
- Faijj for the original scene.
- Electroclan for the Ventilation Modules.
- NumGun - it helped me for a lot of .ini coding.

TestMod.rte.rar [268.38 KiB]
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