Data Realms Fan Forums

[Req] Large, non-looping night scene
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Author:  Morbo!!! [ Sun Nov 09, 2008 6:56 pm ]
Post subject:  [Req] Large, non-looping night scene

I'd like a large scene sort of like Sanguelac but preferably at night and non-looping, to put it simply enough. Maybe have a derelict bunker at one end of the map with some equipment to take. There should be the odd couple of trenches here and there too, but if you're gonna do that, make sure the ground around them is solid enough to withstand a medium digger at least. Maybe have a couple of dropship wreckages here and there with some loot, and a small foxhole outside the derelict bunker. Also, make sure there are some invisiwalls or big dirt mounds at each end of the map to prevent actors flying off and being lost.

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