Data Realms Fan Forums

Oblivion Drone Sprite Request
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Author:  FotoschoPro [ Mon Jun 26, 2017 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Oblivion Drone Sprite Request

I am currently working on an Oblivion Drone Mod and it would be very helpful if someone could make me some sprites.
I need 3 gun sprites, 1 for the active gun, 1 for the activating and deactivating gun and 1 for the inactive gun.
Of course I need a Drone Sprite also.
Please watch the drones carefully so you understand how it is moving.
This is very important for the gun animation.

Thank you very much.
I wanted to create this mod for an eternity now, but I don't have much time, now I am finally creating it and I want it to be perfect.
Because I'm not that good in creating sprites I am now asking you.

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