Data Realms Fan Forums

A Zombie Invasion?
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Author:  InfiniteCastor [ Mon Jun 17, 2013 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  A Zombie Invasion?

If there's one thing I enjoy, it's cutting down hordes. Weapon tests are fun but the enemy doesn't fire back.

So I have a simple, easy request. A non-continuous map where the player can build a bunker at the start and a small spawn point at the far left (or the right, doesn't matter). During the game, zombies will come out of the spawn point at a rate that can be set by the player using a control panel, from a few per minute to an all-out pour (one zombie every two seconds, for example). The only other thing on the panel will be for choosing whether the zombies have shovels, pistols, SMGs or a mix of these.

Thanks in advance to anyone who can do this, it would be well appreciated. :grin:

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