Data Realms Fan Forums

Lord of the Rings mod! (or at least a Gollum character)
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Author:  thejoeshmo [ Sun Jun 02, 2013 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Lord of the Rings mod! (or at least a Gollum character)

Hey, after watching The Return of the King, I (instinctively) went to the computer to play CC, but then felt the need for A LotR mod, and I can't make proper mods, so I was wondering if the awesome guys at DRFF could help? Ideas are: Sneaky Gollum guy who is hard to spot, going around snapping necks (I know that snap neck is already a mod) or an all-powerful ring tool which you could hold and it makes you invisible, but it only works when being held, or some other superpower, lotr characters, maybe a gandalf staff with you shall not pass sound and spell... So... Yeah, please respond if you can mod or whatever.

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