Data Realms Fan Forums

Aliens that infect actors
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Author:  windowscience [ Fri May 31, 2013 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Aliens that infect actors

I want aliens that can infect actors with eggs and the eggs explode teh actor and spawn alien babies..... i can provide art !

Author:  FatZombie [ Tue Jun 11, 2013 3:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aliens that infect actors

That would seem.... a bit overpowered, don't you think? A very expensive and powerful actor gets hit with an egg, the player who bought that actor lost all their funds, and the actor which i keep mentioning turns into thousands of weak alien babies for free and also work for the player who got that alien in the first place.

Author:  Xotano [ Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Aliens that infect actors

think he means more like the aliens from the movie aliens, its a little spider-like face hugging things that jump up onto the face of the victim and injects eggs into their chest and then the egg hatches and the alien eats its way out of the victim's chest and goes to hide for a while so it can grow, then it goes around eating people's heads.

but yeah theres a mod out that already has some infect targets to transform them/use them as an egg host aliens in it, cant remember the name of it at the moment

also its not really the actor you spend the money on, its the equipment.

Author:  LocatingGoku [ Thu Aug 08, 2013 10:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Aliens that infect actors

Xotano wrote:
think he means more like the aliens from the movie aliens, its a little spider-like face hugging things that jump up onto the face of the victim and injects eggs into their chest and then the egg hatches and the alien eats its way out of the victim's chest and goes to hide for a while so it can grow, then it goes around eating people's heads.

but yeah theres a mod out that already has some infect targets to transform them/use them as an egg host aliens in it, cant remember the name of it at the moment

also its not really the actor you spend the money on, its the equipment.

It it the Cordyc?

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