Data Realms Fan Forums

Super Combine Soldier (A HL2 Beta Concept)
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Author:  Mackerel [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Super Combine Soldier (A HL2 Beta Concept)

Attention ladies and gentlemen, I give you, the Super Combine Soldier.
Wiki about it for detailed information.

Originally designed as an existing Combine creature, it was to be a sort of small bipedal Strider in size, with the proportions of a human soldier.

I'd like the Strider's weapon abilities implemented into this mini-mech.
Both the MG and cannon. Possibly both fired out of the hands.

I can grab the sounds. I'll need to edit them anyways to match the acoustics of the miniaturized cannon.

I also have a height reference.
I don't really expect it to tower over a human, hence the X limit.

That's about it!

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