Re: Need some sprites. [Borderlands'esque random weapons]
Prototypes for all!
Unfortunately customisation of round properties is not included, and accuracy is variable only between 3 presets for most weapons. Weapon traits such as sharplength, round count, ROF, mass, sprites, and fire type are however completely random. These variables are displayed in the console upon creation of the weapon. However:
For reasons unbeknownst to me, none of the weapons show up in the buy-menu. The sprites and scripts are there, though, if you need 'em. Once I figure out how to get them buyable, I'll update this post.
Link.EDIT: Link is borked. Trying agian..
Minus hates me at the moment, try this..EDIT3: Sprites if you don't want to download entire thing.
EDIT4: Working version. Revolver projectiles WIP, AR magazines don't show.