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Author:  Jobee88 [ Mon Sep 03, 2012 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  !!!A BAZILIOND GUNZ MOD!!!

I have a mod idea that consists of about a baziliond gun (if u didn't guess thats a lot) and it has almost every variety of gun, eg. laser/energy, pyro, high speed etc.

a bit like the huge pack of mods.

Author:  Jobee88 [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: !!!A BAZILIOND GUNZ MOD!!!

But it shouldn't have any actors otherwise it would be called the "BAZILIOND GUNZ AND ACTORS MOD".
I can also help with a couple of things when making the mod but I know hardly anything about LUA scripting. I mostly remake other designs a tweek files. But if there are enough people willing to help I will put in more towards the mod.
Like making/remaking a couple of guns and sprites.

Author:  dragonxp [ Tue Sep 04, 2012 4:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: !!!A BAZILIOND GUNZ MOD!!!

I wish people would read the sticky about making requests, but apparently people do not.

Just some things that you probably should know:

- This is a forum not an IM chat we would appreciate proper typing etiquette. [This doesn't count for posts in the lounge or anything like that] but if you're making a request you want to make an impression that you're in fact not in a hurry and actually took the time to think out your request because mods do in fact take time. (We have an edit button so you can add to your post in case you forgot something so you don't need to double post.
- Also, HDFirearms or more mundanely guns do not require 'LUA (Everyone has to write it all caps. Lua will do.)' scripting. Instead we use 'script' developed for cortex command by the developer of cortex command. These are the '.ini' files in your cortex command folders and can be edited with just notepad.

- MANY MANY things in the .inis are very self explanatory for example: [roundcount = 10;] < amount of rounds your gun has.
- You can create countless guns using just ini coding.
- Lua scripting is mainly for game breaking rules that cannot be made with normal ini, this includes something as simple as a homing rocket to as elaborate as a new mission or campaign mode.

I can go on and on but there are a lot of cool gun packs that already exist. But if you really want to make something your own, don't ask people to do it for you. Try and experiment how to mod. It's really easy to learn and we would be happy to answer your questions on how to do things.

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