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 Team Death Match/Brain Battle 
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Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:27 pm
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Post Team Death Match/Brain Battle
Well, i have been playing cortex command for the past week, got some mods, and i love it, great phisics, love gun fights and the lieing down ability while shooting (I abuse it XD), but there is a huge aspect of the game that is left alone and i believe should be added, it would add SOOO MUCH GAMEPLAY TO IT AND SO MUCH REPLAY VALUE.
This game has been a big defense game that's well done most of the time, only time when you have battles between brain and brain is campaign and you don't really have a good base for the brain anyway when you land
I had an idea, have 2 bases opposite from each other on the planet where you can place npc's and build it for like 2 minutes then the battle would begin. You would have 2 brains in bases, and have battles between the two, they could have battles in the open areas between bases and it would be so much fun, like base tdm, do you get what i'm saying? :P
Please consider something like brain vs brain, both in bases trying to destroy each other, sort of like the tutorial mission, with a battle field in the middle, both in bases and fight each other, only difference is the distance between the two will be greater than tut mission.
I personally don't care if the bases are pre built for the ai, and then you build your own and the battle begins :)

Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:35 pm
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Post Re: Team Death Match/Brain Battle
In campaign, there can not and should not be more than one base per scene, it's like me saying "Hey man, come build your house inside my house." But outside, a mode like One Man Army, Skirmish Defense, Exploration, etc., that might be a good. Truly though, I don't get what you're trying to say. Simply, you mean Base vs Base right? If so, you'd have to have it premade, or else you could be cheap and make stuff wherever. It might be a good idea if some developer put some time and thought into it.

Edit: I meant to say Scene not planet.

Wed Aug 22, 2012 4:05 am
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Post Re: Team Death Match/Brain Battle
I don't know if the mod still works, but you can play around with this, not exactly what you request, but it does have a large focus on more pvp style gameplay.


Wed Aug 22, 2012 3:29 pm

Joined: Mon Aug 20, 2012 9:27 pm
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Post Re: Team Death Match/Brain Battle
Yea thanks, i was looking for something like that :)
Its alot like what i wanted but i wanted it so that you can order troops as well, thanks :)

Thu Aug 23, 2012 1:50 pm
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