Data Realms Fan Forums

Blood Mod
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Author:  saymana11 [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Blood Mod

Im going to warn you right now: This is more of a idea than: OMG GUIS MAK DIS MOD NAO!!!!
I have always noticed that when playing CC a guys head explodes violently and gibs go everywhere and all....but...barely any blood.
Now I want to take this to extreme's I am talking Ninja Gaiden amounts of blood. Spraying everything and coating people with it.
Look at NovaMind Mod. (which is awesome) it had blood squirts from headshots. Not much...but still.
I know I know "But Saymana Laggy Partical effects!" That is the price we must pay. "But Saymana how in the name of god do we code this?"
That's....not my place. LAU or LUA is like ancient arcade magic code's to the universe to me.The most coding I ever did was make the SAW mech cost -11111111111111111111111111111111111 gold.

Anyway. That's my idea/request
It dose not have to be done. But I wanted people to see the lack of it in Cortex Command.

On a side note:I want a drill weapon already. I want to dig someone in half >:(

Author:  Asklar [ Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Blood Mod

Go to the code of anything (like the head of a Coalition soldier). Look for the parts where the gibs are defined, look for the one that is "Blood Drop" and change the Count from the number it currently is to 999999999.

Shouldn't be too hard.

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