Data Realms Fan Forums

Give gold to the enemy team
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Author:  smithno13 [ Wed Jun 06, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Give gold to the enemy team

For when you want a real fight, because with my experience so far... They run out of money and just sit there and stare at you.
Maybe a sniper that just fires gold?

Simple idea, and I could do it myself if I actually had any freetime...

Author:  Asklar [ Thu Jun 07, 2012 1:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Give gold to the enemy team

Or you could create an item which has a script which goes:
function Create(self)
        self.GoldGiven = 2000
        for actor in MovableMan.Actors do
              if actor.Team ~= 0 then
                     self.OpposingTeam = actor.Team
   self.TeamFunds = ActivityMan:GetActivity():GetTeamFunds(self.OpposingTeam)
   ActivityMan:GetActivity():SetTeamFunds(self.TeamFunds + self.GoldGiven, self.OpposingTeam)

That should work as long as you are the red team. This is just a quick thing, it might not work.

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