Data Realms Fan Forums

Prometheus FX vs Fog of war
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Author:  weegee [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 8:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Prometheus FX vs Fog of war

Not really a request, but an idea. I guess many of you have already seen Prometheus (if not, and you're waiting for june 8th - sorry then). And even more played the official campaign. So the idea is to make those scanner drones which Fifield used in the underground complex. They could fly fast and autonomously and reveal the map. Probably in the form of grenade, and the drone itself can be with limited lifetime and very fragile. Red laser beams can be discarded.

Pics related:

Author:  Coops [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Prometheus FX vs Fog of war

I remember seeing those in the trailer and thinking what that would be like in CC.

I thought about it and thought that the effect and movement would be easy, just the navigation would be tricky.

Maybe take a lazy way out and do a 'stick to the left wall' strategy like in mazes, or maybe even add a random variable that decides which way to go at intersections. All with ray casts checking for walls, I guess.

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