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Physics based bunkers
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Author:  Nickamortus [ Mon May 14, 2012 11:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Physics based bunkers

I know this is alot to request and would be a huge project, but I feel sometimes the destruction i cause is not enough. "Maybe if I could destroy supports and down falls the bunker, the people, and everything inside." Is there anyway this could be possible? Is there a modder who could do this?

Possibly making bunker modules into several bunker systems per "module" when damage is done to a certain point it will collapse as like a door. If there is no support the "module" will drop like an unmanned rocket. Maybe if this catches on the modder could build connectors to connect each piece, whilch will keep it connected.

Each piece will require a certain weight limit, when that weight limit is passed it will crack and collapse. Bringing everything above it down to gib into bunker pieces.

If this can be done you will be my modding Gods. Can you take a challenge?

Author:  Kettenkrad [ Tue May 15, 2012 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Physics based bunkers

I'm afraid it's not possible to a working extent. In Cortex Command, there are two types of physical object; terrain, and movable objects. Terrain is static, and the amount you have has no repercussions on the game or performance, but MOs have physics and all that jazz, and that slows stuff down. In addition to that, CC's engine isn't too great at MO-MO collisions, so walking around a bunker like that would be similar to being in a oil-soaked jumping castle made of claymores.

The scripts required to keep such a support up, and determine when and how it'll collapse is yet another performance issue, and terrain above the bunker would remain in mid-air after the collapse.

It's not really a question of whether it can be done, because it can. It just wouldn't work, and would be extremely laggy and buggy.

Sorry :/

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